➷ Jotaro | Sacrificial Bride

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Demon AU

I have waited too long to make you mine.

You hummed an old nursery rhyme as you brush your hair, relaxed in an otherwise somber situation. You applied no makeup, only the barest of jewelry that would accent your beauty. Standing up, you moved to stand in front of the full-body mirror to make sure your appearance was in order. You were adorned in a white lacy yet modest wedding gown, your feet covered by simple white flats with butterfly embroidery on top. Your [h/c] hair was pinned up into a neat bun with a rhinestone star hairpin, a gift from your soon-to-be husband.

A gentle smile slips on to your face at the sight of your appearance, pleased that you were able to accomplish the look you desired. For the final touch, you clipped on a pair rhinestone star earrings, another gift. Your smile grew a bit bigger as you gave a small twirl before looking back in the mirror.

After a moment, you sigh, knowing that your big day might not be entirely happy as you originally wanted. Your melancholy was interrupted when you hear a knock at your door. Turning, you smile at the sight of your mother. She greets you with a smile of her own as she takes your hands in hers.

"You're beautiful," she smiles, "but you won't be having to do this."

Puzzled, you pull your hands away while asking, "What do you mean?"

"There will not be a wedding today." She clarifies, her expression serious.

Shocked, you say, "Mother, you're making a terrible decision."

"Do you really think I'm willing to let go of my only daughter?" She frowns.

"I understand," you place a hand against your chest, "but sending someone else will only bring death to our village."

"We aren't sacrificing another innocent girl or anyone else ever again." Her eyes were filled with sadness, but she was determined to stand by her word.

"You don't mean...?" Stunned, you take a step back.

"Yes," she smiles, "The village has contributed to hiring hunters. They will help us take that monster down."

"He's not a monster!" You yell.

"How dare you defend him!" [M/n] yells in return, shock taking over her expression.

"I love him..." You whisper solemnly.

"That vile beast has tainted you," her expression is filled with disgust.

"No, he hasn't," you defend, "He has shown me kindness ever since I was a child. You must understand that this has to be done!"

[M/n] ignores your words as she calls for two villagers. They grab your arms to keep you from running as they began to take you away.

"I will have you locked away until everything has been settled." [M/n] says firmly.

"Mother, don't do this!" You plead while trying to break free, but their hold was too strong.

"As the village chief, I must." She turns away, heading in the opposite direction.

Sadly, you watch her go before you found yourself placed inside the chief's office. You knew there would be no point in fighting, so you sat down on one of the many plush cushions in the room.

"Mother, you've doomed them all," you whisper sadly.

It was only a matter of time until you heard the screams. They were horrifying yet you knew they had brought this misfortune upon themselves from trying to keep you away from Jotaro. From experience, the demon was kind and loving, but when it came to you he could become cruel and bloodthirsty.

"If only my mother had listened to me." You think the moment your ears are met with silence.

The second you hear footsteps, you stand and move to the center of the room. Hands clasped together in front of you, you watch as the door is ripped away. The gruesome sight you were bound to see was hidden the moment Jotaro stepped through the doorway. The scent of blood trailed after him the moment he approaches, his glowing reds eyes taking in your appearance. His angered expression softens at the sight of you, his clawed hands moving to gently cup your face.

Silently yet greedily, he captures your lips with his own. Without hesitation, you kiss him back as you press yourself against. Reluctantly, he pulls away the moment you needed to breathe, watching with fascination as a rosy tone blossom across your face.

He's waited so long for this.

"Jotaro," you say his name softly, "My mother...?"

He regards you for a moment before answering with, "It was swift."

You relax at that as a few tears managed to fall before they were gently wiped away by Jotaro.

Jotaro caresses your face as he says, "I love you."

You manage to smile through your tears while saying, "I love you, too."

Jotaro was pleased with your reply as he eagerly reclaims your lips, his desire for his bride no longer needing to be restrained.

Now, he would finally make you his and the two of you would never be separated again.

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