➷ Jotaro | A Mermaid's Tale | Part II

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Brief Intimacy

Resting your cheek against your hand, you watch the humans behind a plethora of rocks close to the shore but away from prying eyes. It was never a dull moment with them as they immersed themselves within the warm waters, playing, looking, or searching for the mysteries of the deep.

It was interesting when they reacted to something new, unaware throughout their search that something or someone was always looking back. Their curiosity, was one of the things you like about humans yet at the same time you knew how dangerous is for both them and your species. 

As you watch the humans' interactions, you couldn't help your small sigh.

You missed your human.

It had been a while since you last met up with Jotaro in the cove. Besides doing some research on certain aquatic life, in which you helped him with at times, the man had been doing another job.

A job that has kept him inland and from seeing you.

You sigh again, wondering if you should just visit him instead of waiting.

"That doesn't sound too bad," you hum thoughtfully as you disappear beneath the water.

You head in the direction of the pier, one where an abundant amount of humans weren't surrounding.

Slipping from beneath the waves, you scout the area for a few minutes, making sure no unwanted attention would be received. Once your scouting seemed sufficient enough, you pull yourself onto the large step with a soft grunt. Turning to assume a sitting position, you made sure to keep a lookout before allowing your magic to do its job.

Water licks at your hips as your tail swishes languidly, your hands gently brushing against the [f/c] scales. Slowly, the scales began to lose their vibrancy as they receded beneath your skin.

While this was occurring, a small line begins to travel down your tail, a split easily being formed. The scales that didn't vanish fell off and into the water, turning into shimmering dust.

"No evidence left behind," you mumble as you wiggled your newly formed toes.

Many merfolk learned a harsh lesson of leaving evidence of their transformations.

Gently running your hand over your fins, they slowly begin to shrink to reveal human-like ears, the difference being a barely noticeable point to them. There was no reason to fully change them since your hair would keep them covered the majority of the time. 

Next, your thin pupils had become rounded to help you blend in while the web between your fingers had receded enough to look normal. Now that your claws had become less menacing, the transformation was finally complete.

Even though it has been a while since you last transformed, your glamour spell still managed to do its job. With that in mind, you slowly rise to your feet, mindful of the slippery steps as you slowly made your ascension. It didn't take long for you to get use to newly formed legs but it took a moment to regain your balance, the surface of the steps feeling slightly strange.

The humans scattered across the beach paid you no mind as you walked up the steps from underneath the pier, their attention too focused on those surrounding them. When your bare feet sunk into the soft warm sand you took the chance to look around, searching for a particular landmark.

"Ah, there it is," you whisper as you head in its direction.

One day, you had asked Jotaro if he lived close by along with the directions to reach him. Even though he was confused by the question, you received detailed instructions that were easily committed to memory.

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