➷ Josuke | Okuyasu | Slowly, We Fall

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Angel/Demon AU

Gladly, we fall, so we may love you.

Perched on top of a park light, your feline-like eyes carefully watch the oblivious humans roaming around. Your arrow-pointed tail swished lazily behind you as you finally found a target to deal with your impish behavior.

A young man jogging along the path was unsuspecting as he passed by the lake. His right foot seemingly slipped on something, but before he could gain his balance he was rolling into the lake. He hit the cold waters with a shout, sputtering in shock from the sudden change of scenery.

A large grin appeared on your face at the sight of his distraught expression, a cackle following after as he got up to blame the guy that had been jogging with him.

"Priceless," you wheeze when the two human men start to throw punches.

Then, your laughter is cut short the moment you hear, "Oi, [Y/n], we've been looking everywhere for ya!"

It was Okuyasu.

The sight of the two brawling humans was instantly replaced by the bothersome angels that you've become well-acquainted with over the past few months.

"Okuyaysu's right, you've been a hard demon to find." Josuke laughs out

"Don't you think I would rather not be found?" You huff out.

Josuke only laughs off your comment as he pulls you into a hug, relishing the feel of your body against his own.

"What did I—!" Your complaint was interrupted when you were pulled out from Josuke's arms and into Okuyasu's.

"Not fair, Josuke," he whines before happily nuzzling his face into your soft hair.

Josuke laughs at your miffed expression, a content feeling warming his chest at the sight of his two favorite people.

Your nose crinkles in distaste at the sight of Josuke's growing grin, knowing exactly the kind of thoughts coursing through his mind.

"Don't you dare," your eyes narrow once you see him move closer.

"What?" He asks obviously while he happily wraps his arms around you and Okuyasu.

Your face grows warm as you struggle in their hold, muttering small curses as you try to wiggle free.

"You two are rather persistent," you huff out once you manage to break free from their hold.

You ignore their pouting faces as you float back to give yourself some space.

Crossing your arms you say, "You do know I'm not an angel right, so it would be best to stop hanging around me before you get in trouble."

"Coulda fooled me," the two chorus, completely ignoring the rest of your words.

You ignore the warmth spreading across your face as you hurriedly say, "I don't have time to waste with you two, I've got things to do!"

The cheeky grins on their faces only cause your blush to darken as they eagerly move closer to you.

"Mine if we join you?" Josuke asks eagerly.

Okuyasu excitedly follows with, "Yeah, you won't even notice us!"

That was a lie, but you already knew they'd follow you anyway even if you'd told them no.

"Fine, but don't slow me down." You sigh before turning and flying off.

Triumphant, the two angels happily fly after you, uncaring of the darkness slowly tainting their pure feathers.

The path they were going down would change them completely, but they didn't care. They adored you so much, they wanted to be by your side no matter what.

So, if falling for you meant they'd be damned, they were willing to make that sacrifice.

So, if falling for you meant they'd be damned, they were willing to make that sacrifice

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