➷ Mista | Shots Fired

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Death, mention of blood

You will remain mine no matter the crime I must commit.

Naples is quiet tonight, too quiet, and the people who normally lurked in the shadows felt as if something was off. Of course, they continued about their business, making shady deals while being mindful of any prying eyes. The unknown tension they felt thickened within the air, choking some as the sense of foreboding grew intense. Some of them began to leave while others looked around, debating if they should stay or come back another night.

Then, the sound of four gunshots going off made the decision for them.

The small bit of calm was interrupted, alarming them but only giving them the courage to run away into the shadows. When a fifth gunshot followed quickly after, they were gone, leaving the street void of any life. They were smart enough to know not to stay anywhere close because the chance of their own lives being in danger is extremely high.

As an uncomfortable silence permeates the air, if one were to harbor a certain ability, they would be able to hear the faint sound of cheering coming from the alleyway. If one were to peer closer, they would be able to notice the fresh pungent scent of blood in the air. Located farther in the alleyway was a young man lying facedown in a pool of his own blood.

This was one of your childhood friends.

As blood continues to spread, Mista stares impassively at the bullet-ridden corpse, his eyes dark with malice. The barrel of his gun was still smoking, evidence of the cruel deed he's recently committed. The reason he acted upon his anger is because your dear friend, Elijah, dared to try and take you away from him.

Mista didn't care if Elijah was your childhood friend, nor did he care if you hadn't seen the man in a very long time. What he did care about was the fact he had to watch him flirt with you, causing the pretty little blush he loves seeing to bloom across your gorgeous face. In response to Elijah's flirtations, he had to watch your smile be directed toward a man that wasn't him.

It filled him with dark, bitter jealousy and hatred.

One day, Mista had come to fear Elijah would steal you away. Just the thought petrified him, leaving him feeling as if the world was bearing down on his shoulders, trying to snuff the life right out of him.

Of course, now, he no longer feared the chance of you being taken from him. He, along with his Sex Pistols, took the necessary actions to keep it from ever happening.

In the end, Elijah paid for his transgressions with his life.

"We got the bastard good," Number 3 shouts excitedly.

"Yeah, that'll teach him," Number 1 grins.

As the other Sex Pistols cheer, Number 5 tearfully eyes the fallen corpse. Resting on Mista's shoulder, he glances up at his user tentatively before more tears begin to fall.

"[Y/n]'s going to be so sad again," he whimpers softly.

"She'll be fine," Mista retorts as he looks away from Elijah's body, "We'll be there to give her all the comfort she needs."

They all knew Elijah's death would merely be written off as a robbery gone wrong and once you learn of the man's death, you'd weep terribly. When that happens, and your tears begin to fall, Mista would be there with open arms to comfort you.

No matter how many times you wept, he would be there for you.

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