➷ Doppio | Diavolo | A Villian's Anger

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Hero/Villain AU

To the world, you're enemies, but behind closed doors, you're much more. 

Leaning against the wall of an alleyway, you pant harshly. A cold sweat breaks out across your body as darkness tries to take over your vision.

"I can't stop here," you wheeze as you forced your injured body to keep moving.

Earlier today you had stopped a couple of armed robberies along with a few high-speed getaways. Somewhat tired from your long day you had been attacked unexpectedly by a villain known as Razor's Edge.

As far as you can remember, the woman was hell-bent on taking your life after you managed to put away her younger sister that had been wreaking havoc across Italy for a long while. Razor's Edge was known for her underhanded attacks, so it was no surprise she decided to attack you at your weakest. Being able to defend yourself for a good hour, you sustained multiple injuries and blood loss.

Deciding you'd fight her another day, you ran away. She was persistent as it took till nightfall to finally get her off your back. Any more use of your powers would have caused you to faint immediately, so you took to the alleyways to keep covered.

You had no shame in running away when you knew that you were at a disadvantage or couldn't win a fight. Besides, both of them would be mighty upset if you were to die.

Laughing lightly at the thought, you finally reached the door of a quaint little establishment.

"Finally," you think as you lean against the entryway, your legs ready to give out on you.

A swift two knocks to the door was the only thing you needed to do before it was swung open. Doppio has a bright smile on his face the moment he sees you, but it instantly went away the moment your legs gave out.

"[Y/n], what happened?!" He exclaims as he crouched down to your level. His arms make quick work of pulling you to him before he was lifting you up and carrying you inside the house.

With such a lithe form, you'd think he'd wouldn't be that strong, but from experience, you knew never to underestimate Doppio.

"Ah, I'm sure it's already in the news," you cough, blood splattering into your hand.

The fact you were still even conscious in the state you were in caused pride to well up inside Doppio as he carries you to the bathroom.

A nice warm bath was run for you and you knew no amount of protesting would get Doppio to leave you alone so you could bathe yourself. Huffing, you allow him to strip you down before easing you into the tub. You wince slightly at the sudden stinging of your injuries, but they were easily ignored the moment Doppio began washing your hair.

"You're too good to me," you sigh as you relaxed.

Your response only causes Doppio to smile and laugh a little.

"So, will you tell me now?" He inquires.

"Razor's Edge," you yawn out.

Doppio's smile turns into a frown, the comforting air becoming slightly tense at the mention of that woman, the shadows in the corner seemingly creeping closer.

"Don't worry, you two," you huff softly, "I managed to lose her before she'd do anything else, but damn if she isn't persistent."

The rest of your bath went by like a blur as you tittered on the edge of unconsciousness. Doppio has given you a pair of his pajama bottoms to wear while he gave you one of Diavolo's shirts to wear after he'd finished placing your bandages on.

With a sleepy 'thank you', you easily allowed sleep to claim you the moment Doppio tucked you into his bed. Quietly, he closes the door behind him to allow you to rest.

Now, he needed to find out what exactly happened between you and Razor's Edge.

Staring at your sleeping form, Diavolo gently brushes some hair from your face. Injured as you were by that insect, he was thrilled that you went to him and Doppio for help instead of that revolting hero Golden Experience. 

He leans down and presses his lips lightly against your own, making sure to not wake you from blissful unawareness. He allowed his lips to linger only for a brief moment, his desire for you only growing stronger.

As much as he wanted to stay by your side, he had matters to attend to. That foolish wannabe villain Razor's Edge needed to learn her place. You were his hero just as he was your villain, so he'd be damned someone else had the nerve to try and steal you from him. 

When Razor's Edge finally awakened she found herself strapped down to a chair. Part of her body felt numb as she was unable to use her powers to get her out of her bounds.

"Where am I?" She thinks with a small frown, her mind still somewhat muddled.

"Oh, you're awake, the boss thought you'd be out a bit longer, but that doesn't matter anyway." Doppio walks into her line of sight once she was able to focus a bit better.

"Who the hell are you?!" She frowns at him.

"I'm the villain known as King Crimson." He introduces himself.

"You," she laughs, "Please, don't make me laugh."

Doppio easily ignores her remark as he says, "Enough about me. Do you know why you're here?"

"No." Her frown deepens.

He eyes her for a moment before reaching in his pocket and pulling out a remote. Pressing a button, an image of you in your hero attire is displayed on the TV overhead.

"Do you know who this hero is?" He inquired.

"That's the hero Dark Abyss," her brow furrowed in confusion, "So what?"

So what?

Doppio felt his brow twitch in irritation at the woman's disregard.

His anger gets the best of him as he yells, "This hero belongs to me! So how dare you have the nerve to hurt what's mine."

A sneer pulls on Razor's edge face as she brings to say, "She's just a hero, it doesn't matter who takes her—!"

She pauses as a chill suddenly overcomes her. The expression on Doppio's face shouldn't have frightened her, yet the look in his eyes made her feel as if she was looking at the devil himself.

"It doesn't matter," he sighs as he takes a step forward, "We'll just have to teach you a little lesson."

"W-we?" She whimpers.

A deep chuckle resonates within the room as a tall pink-haired man steps out from Doppio's shadow.

A grin curls upon the Diavolo's face at the frightened expression on Razor's Edge deepens as she finally understands the trouble she's truly in.

Diavolo smirks at the frightened woman while saying, "Yes, we, and we'll make sure to give you a lesson, one that you won't forget."


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