➷ Caesar | Punishment

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Dubious Consent

You knew better than to run.

"Did you think you could run from me, amore mio?" Caesar inquires the moment he has you in his grasp.

You try to struggle from his grip but he was too strong as he made quick work of your shorts, his calloused fingers delving into the front of your underwear.

His familiar touch causes you to let out a choked whimper, skilled fingers easily making you submit to him in a matter of seconds.

"Stop it, Caesar," you moan out, "Please, just let me go!"

"After you deliberately disobeyed me," he nibbles at the weak spot on your neck while fondling your chest, "Why should I?"

Before you could respond, a sudden feeling of hope overcomes you once you hear Joseph's voice.

"Oi, [Y/n], where'd you go?!" Joseph shouts as he walks past the alleyway Caesar had unexpectedly pulled you.

"Jojo—!" You prepare to call for him before freezing at Caesar's words. 

"Do you really want him to see you like this?" He whispers before biting down to leave a nice and pretty bruise against your neck.

You whimper softly, your head shaking as your body eagerly yet shamefully presses back against him.

"That's a good girl." He chuckles as he finally gives you what you're craving.

"I-I'm sorry!" You sob as the intense pleasure welling within you finally snaps.

Caesar's grin turns into a satisfied smirk as you come undone from his ministrations, giving him exactly what he desired.

"Hopefully you've learned your lesson, amore," he tilts your head back and presses a kiss to your quivering lips.

"Now, you'll do best to remember that you're mine," he chuckles softly, "or I won't be as forgiving next time."


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