➷ Giorno | Like Father, Like Son

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Supernatural AU

It's only a matter of time until I make you mine.

"So, you think these chains can hold me?" You inquire as you flex your wrists.

Your sensitive hearing allows you to hear the straining of the chains, the bounds not tight but inconvenient.

"They aren't very strong," you huff.

Giorno gives a small shake of his head as he approaches you while saying, "No, but they're useful enough to keep you from escaping so easily."

You bare your teeth at him, feline-like eyes narrowed in slight anger.

"I'm not some animal you can cage, Giorno," you almost snarl.

"I know, you're much more precious than that." He smiles at you with an expression of adoration.

"Hmph, you sound like your father." You snort at his remark, an amused smile gracing your lips.

He regards you for a moment before saying, "That may be true, but I'm going to accomplish what he failed to do."

"Oh, and what's that?" Your brow raised in question.

"To make you mine." With that, he leans forward and steals a kiss from your unsuspecting lips.

You're frozen for a brief moment, stunned by his sudden bold move. Angered, you snap the chains binding you and push him away from you, a growl rumbling deep from your chest as you wipe your mouth.

"Keep dreaming, because it'll never happen!" You snarl, aggression on full display.

"Don't worry, amore," he purrs, "we have all the time in the world."


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