➷ Jotaro | The Queen's Knight

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Knight!Jotaro, Queen!Reader, King!Dio

With his arms behind his back, Dio regards the regal sitting Queen with a leer as he says, "If you just agreed to join our kingdoms and be my queen then this would've never happened."

Idly fiddling with the limiter cuffs on your wrists, you calmly regard Dio with a look of disdain.

"Your greediness for power is blatantly obvious," you scoff, "a fool would do better in hiding their true self."

The king bristles at your disrespect as he slams his hands against the arms of the chair you're seated in, his body looming uncomfortably close over you.

"I suggest you watch that pretty little mouth of yours," Dio sneers before leaning close to whisper, "but I have no problems delivering punishment to put you in your place."

Your body stiffens at the barely veiled threat, lips thinning as you refuse to show the man any fear.

Dio chuckles at your quietness, his lips dragging lightly across your cheek in a mock form of affection.

Pulling away to look you in the eyes a smirk curls across his lips as he says, "In due time, I will rightfully make you my queen, [Y/n]."

You were unable to suppress your unladylike snort as you responded with, "And in due time, I'll be standing over your corpse, Dio."

Dio pulls away from you with a scowl, his eyes filled with disgust.

"You think Jotaro is going to save you," he chuckles humorlessly, "He's just one Knight."

Crossing your legs, you lean back in your seat with your hands clasped delicately in your lap.

"That may be true," you smile, "but he's my knight."

Dio's gaze is filled with barely repressed anger as he sharply turns away from you. Wordlessly, he leaves the tent to no longer look at your confident expression.

He refuses to show any form of fear from your words.

Only a few miles away from the Brando royal encampment sits Jotaro on horseback, his gaze focused and bright with silent fury. A large army was gathered behind him, all of the men eagerly awaiting Jotaro's orders to tear into Dio and his army for taking their queen.

One of his men appears next to him and softly utters, "Sir, we await your command."

Their bloodlust is thick in the air and Jotaro is the most bloodthirsty of them all.

With a simple raise of his hand, he gives his fellow knights the go ahead with a "Tear them to pieces."

The men grin ferally before descending upon the encampment like the plague, magic burning upon their fingertips and blades.

Jotaro follows close behind them, his destination the royal tent.

Out of all of his men, Jotaro will make sure the tyrant dies by his hands.

Dio is furious as he enters the tent, his eyes landing on your calm yet laid back form. You hadn't moved from your seat, patiently waiting for his return.

"How did they find us," he demands, "There should've been no way for them to track us down."

A sly smile curls upon your lips as you gently brush your hand against one of the shimmering blue star earrings dangling from your ears.

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