➷ Jotaro | Infatuation

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You had me at hello.

Jotaro lets out a tiny of huff irritation as he makes his way down the hall. It was only the first period and already the teacher annoyed him to hell and had him leaving the class in an instant.

Right now, he was prepared to head to the rooftop for a quick smoke before debating if he'd skipped the rest of the day and just head on back home.

Lost in his thoughts, he's unaware of the person rounding the corner until he feels a small body run into him.

"Oof," was the soft yet surprised shout as a book and a few papers scattered across the floor.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," follows after as Jotaro looks down at you.

His brow twitches in mild annoyance as he watches you scurry to pick up your stuff while rambling out apologies.

"It's my fault," you bow while clutching your book and papers to your chest before saying, "I should've watched where I was going!"

"It's fin—," he tries to say, but you easily speak over him with another, "I'm very sorry!"

Jotaro feels a headache coming on as he looks down at you, your gaze sill pointed down while apologizing.

He scowls as he prepares to yell, "Shut u—!"

"You have pretty eyes."

Jotaro quickly falls silent at this as he stares into your eyes, his heart skipping a beat for no reason at all from your statement. 

The bell rings before anything else can be said, keeping the silence from becoming uncomfortable. You sputter in shock at this before uttering a quick goodbye to Jotaro and heading around him, leaving him in stunned silence.

He is left standing there, feeling a little dazed yet oddly infatuated.

Once he finally makes his way to the rooftop, Jotaro is lost in his thoughts about you. It was his first time ever seeing you at school and he didn't know if you were a new student or if you'd always been there. Then again, he never paid much attention to the annoyingly fawning group of girls that tried to speak with him every morning or throughout the school day.

Jotaro sighs softly as the sound of the bell ringing loudly, the time goes by quicker than he expected. Then, without realizing it, Jotaro found himself watching you from afar throughout the day. You were so innocent-looking, easily excitable yet clumsy. He noticed you tend to stick to yourself but able to interact with others if need be.

It's strange that he found you so endearing.

During the lunch break, he stood underneath a tree as he watches you speak with some of the upperclassmen.

You have pretty eyes.

His heart skips a beat again as your words from earlier cross his mind. Jotaro found his face becoming slightly flushed as he brings a hand up to cover his mouth. Surely you placed some kind of spell over him, yet he found himself not caring about that.

At the end of the day, Jotaro came to the conclusion that he wanted you, badly.

At the end of the day, Jotaro came to the conclusion that he wanted you, badly

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