➷ Jotaro | A Mermaid's Tale

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A soft tendril of smoke rose steadily in the air as ashes were gently tapped away, landing seamlessly on the ground. With a soft exhale, Jotaro releases a large puff of smoke in the air before turning his attention to the sky. The soft hues of red, orange, and yellow displayed by the sunset allowed him to relax yet it didn't quell the mild irritation he felt. Moving closer to the ocean gave him a semblance of peace, but the recent intrusion from the Speedwagon Foundation has interrupted that peace.

Sighing softly, he puts out his cigarette and tosses it in the trash can next to him before turning his attention on the manila folder he'd been given. Flipping open the folder, his eyes ran over the information of a small group of people who were known for dealing in the black market. Supposedly, they had been tracked to his little side of the land, lurking around the deep waters. Of course, one would wonder why such irrelevant people would be brought to his attention and the reason was that three of them are stand users.

These men were disturbing the order of things, natural and supernatural.

Sighing again, Jotaro silently wondered if he'd ever catch a break. The answer to that would probably be no for the normalcy he desires in his life was easily taken from him on his journey to Egypt. Who would have known that by becoming a Stand user, the supposed film covering his eyes would be removed and a door to the world of mythologies would open? The answer to that would remain a mystery for that door remains locked on a regular basis until something terrible or extraordinary occurs in one's life. Then again, since he was introduced to this it was probably the reason he became a Marine Biologist. His desire to see the mysterious beauties that lived within the depths of the ocean was something he could no longer ignore.

As Jotaro began to get lost in his thoughts, he was pulled away from them the moment a gentle breeze passed by, bringing with it a familiar melody. Slipping the folder in his inner coat pocket, he rose to his feet and headed in the direction the breeze was coming from. He was determined to find out who had been singing such an enchanting melody, one that he had been hearing over the last few days. At night, when the phantom pain of his old injuries flare up or the nightmares from his journey ruin his sleep, that melody would suddenly start and easily ease his overly-stressed mind.

He was determined to find the source of the voice he seemingly fell in love with.

A five-minute walk away from the main part of the beach led him to a small cave opening. A small breeze escapes the entrance, caressing his cheek lovingly as the melody begins its slow descent to its finish.

Without a second thought, Jotaro heads into the cave and finds himself in a cove. There were three openings to the cove, one medium-sized hole in the ceiling and two large oval-shaped openings on his left. A few large and medium-sized boulders were buried within the sand, allowing him to sneakily make his way closer to the shore undetected. Slowly, he eased from behind the boulder to get a glimpse of who was singing.

The moment Jotaro caught sight of the singer, he felt his heart skip a bit.

Right now, he was glad he became a Marine Biologist because what he saw is absolutely extraordinary.

A large and smooth flat rock was located in the center of the waters, directly in the rocky middle of the cove's openings.

Perched comfortably on the smooth rock is the most beautiful mermaid Jotaro had ever seen.

You were resting upon your belly, your shimmering [f/c]-scaled tail languidly swaying up and down in the water. Trailing his eyes from your tail, he noticed a black thigh-split maxi skirt hugging your hips before being covered by your long, silky [h/c] stresses. As you sang, you rested on your elbows, allowing Jotaro to see the black halter top you had on along with the smooth expanse of your [s/t] stomach. Swallowing softly, he turns his gaze on your face and notices clawed-webbed hands cupping [s/t] cheeks along with medium-sized fins in place of your ears.

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