➷ Joseph | Heart

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《 Heart | Part 3 of 4 》

Though easily prone to anger, I find myself easily being consumed by another emotion.

It's obvious Joseph is the type to easily get angry, to allow his emotions to run rampant when others rub him the wrong way. So, when he first met Caesar the two didn't necessarily hit it off. They were always at each other's necks, a simple word shared between them easily taken as an insult.

Upon learning he possessed hamon, he met Caesar's mentors, Lisa Lisa and [Y/n]. Lisa Lisa is a beautiful woman, indeed, but her attitude isn't necessarily appealing to him. Especially her training methods made him feel as if he'd die every second he wasn't focused.

Then, he met you and everything changed.

With the breathing mask around his mouth, he had found himself alone and close to suffocating. With blurry vision, he didn't notice you approaching him until your hands were gently cupping his cheeks.

"Relax," you whisper soothingly, "Focus on your energy, and breathe."

It took Joseph a moment, but the internal panic building in him lessened from your gentle caresses to his cheek. Slowly, he manages to concentrate and is able to breathe in much needed oxygen.

"There you go," you smile, "Just like that."

Your gentle ministrations soothe him, causing his heart to beat rather strangely in his chest. Looking up at you, Joseph found himself breathless, which had him losing concentration. With your gentle coaxing again, he manages to regain his control while his face burns red in embarrassment.

"You must be Joseph," you chuckle as you helped him up.

"Yeah, and who are you?" His somewhat brash tone only amused you.

"I'm [Y/n], Lisa Lisa's friend, and your second teacher." You introduce yourself with ease.

You're [Y/n]?

Joseph knew Lisa Lisa is beautiful, but you are absolutely gorgeous. So easily prone to anger, the young man found himself wanting to let his emotions run rampant for an entirely different reason.

After that meeting, Joseph found himself pining after you.

The intense sense of desire he felt welling up inside of him left him feeling weak, and while he still bore the breathing mask, breathless at times. Even though it helped in his training, Joseph found his heart no longer belongs to him.

Upon their first meeting, you had so easily taken it with a smile and instead of feeling anger, he felt excitement.

Joseph desires you more than he ever desired anyone else.

He is determined to prove himself to you, to show he's a better man than Caesar. Though he was sure Lisa Lisa held feelings for you, too, he wouldn't allow that to stop him.

No, your rightful place is with him and only him.

No, your rightful place is with him and only him

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