➷ Josuke | Content

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I'm happier when I'm with you.

In the quiet section of the library, you and Josuke worked together on a small class project. While you wrote the paper, Josuke was left to crafting and repairing any pieces that had broken off over time.

Although, only one of you was actually during your part.

Across from you, Josuke had decided to take a break. One hand propping up his head, he watches you with a happy yet dazed expression. A smile curls upon his plump lips as he closely watched your every move.

From the way you tapped the pencil against your chin in thought to the moment you gently bite your lip, your brows furrowing slightly in frustration when the idea doesn't come to you.

He grins when your nose scrunches up in slight irritation.

Now, Josuke knew you were a diligent worker. So, he found it cute when your expressions seem to change so sporadically.

First, you'd be relaxed, easily completing your assignment until something confusing pops up. Then, you'd slowly begin to frown while trying to figure out the problem. After, a selective amount of curses could potentially leave your pouty lips the moment you become annoyed until finally, you were grinning triumphantly once you were done.

He absolutely adored you.

Josuke knew everything about you, which he made sure of. He knew all your ticks, your likes and your dislikes, even the kind of simple things you'd deny ever wanting before ultimately buying.

And he loved it all.

He'd make sure to make you happy, just as you've made him happy by simply watching you.

Chuckling softly to himself his smile grows as he mumbles, "I'm glad that you're mine."


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