➷ Lisa Lisa | Heart

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《 Heart | Part 1 of 4 》

Since the beginning, you have always been by her side.

Lisa Lisa sat back in her seat, a cigarette lit in her hand. Breathing in the toxic fumes, she gently exhales as her blue gaze settles upon your relaxed figure. Her heart thumps pleasantly with love as she watches you instruct Joseph and Caesar, the boys listening intently to your instructions.

As fierce as the love warms her heart, it also burns with malice at the expressions on her students' faces. Lisa Lisa felt disgusted at the sight of their lovestruck expressions, anger simmering at the surface as she watches them covet the one person that belongs to her.

Joseph and Caesar could never love you the way she does nor could they ever understand the bond she shares with you.

You were there for her when she lost George, comforting in her grief of losing her husband. You were still by her side when she made the choice to leave Joseph with Erina. Even though it broke her heart, you were still there to mend the pieces back together.

You helped Lisa Lisa in her time of need so it was only natural that she'd fall in love with you.

"[Y/n], let me show you my improved Bubble Barrier!"

At the sound of Caesar's voice, Lisa Lisa turns her gaze away from you and on to him. A small frown tugs at her lips as she observes the blonde close. The sight of him trying to impress you with his skills amuses her. Even though his skills are far superior to her son's, Lisa Lisa knew your heart would not easily be swayed by the boy's foolish attempts at wooing you.

"Don't pay any attention to him, [Y/n]. Instead, watch this new move I've come up with!"

Lisa Lisa then shifts her gaze to Joseph after hearing his loud statement, her expression softening somewhat.

Joseph, her precious son, though it felt like a lifetime since she'd seen him all the love she'd felt for him had long since been lost. Of course, she's rather fond of him and Erina raised him well, but she no longer had any love to give him for it all belongs to you. Though fond of Joseph, the boy's obnoxious ways did little to help him in gaining your affections.

Lisa Lisa stubs out her cigarette and crosses her arms as she closely watches your reaction to the boys' loud demands of your attention.

"Calm down," you placate, "Right now, you two should be focused on improving together and not just separately. Teamwork is a crucial part of this training regimen I've made."

"You wouldn't want my hard work to go to waste, would you," you ask with a smile.

"No, we'll work together," Caesar easily yells out.

"Yeah," Joseph grins, "but I'll work better than him!"

This prompts the two to start bickering again, but you merely watched them with a smile as they began to head off to train. Lisa Lisa chuckles softly at your sly expression, her heart fluttering pleasantly in her chest.

How easily were you able to play them, not knowing the true power you had over them and herself. So easily did you have their hearts in your hands, yet Lisa Lisa knew her heart is the only one that should belong to you.

Since you have her heart she aimed to capture yours, keeping it only hers.

Your attention.

Your love.

Your laughter.

Your smile.

All of it will belong to her and neither Joseph nor Caesar would ever have the chance to take it.

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Thanks for 200k reads! ♡

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