Chapter Four

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Baekhyun felt grateful for Jisoo bringing him breakfast on his bed. He still felt embarassed about what happened the night before that he couldn't fathom seeing Chanyeol again.

"I heard dad talking on the phone. I think you'd be able to walk again in a few days." Jisoo said.

"I wish I could walk sooner."

"Now, now! Talking big there. The last time you walked you killed a glass."

Baekhyun laughed and then chugged the orange juice.

"Why is it so sour?"

"Who knows?" Jisoo laughed.

"I almost got moved right there. But I knew better that you didn't make this."

"Hey! I brought it, didn't I?"

Baekhyun played with a grape that almost fell on his bed. His mind wondered a little again to what happened the night before.

"Here." Jisoo threw a book on his lap.

"What's this?"

"Chanyeol told me to give this to you."

Baekhyun looked at the book, confused about why is he receiving this from the devil.

"What's this for?"

"Who knows?" Jisoo said. "He just told me to tell you to read it or do whatever you want with it."

"That sounds fun." He sarcastically said.

"Dad's not home and Chanyeol's busy packing. What do you want to do?"

"What CAN I do?" The emphasis hit him more than Jisoo like what he intended.

"Well, you have that book.. or.. we can play Chanyeol's game console."

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Come on! I've been playing it with him all the time and I'm tired of it."

"Tired of losing to him?" Baekhyun teased.

"No! I.. I don't lose.." Baekhyun laughed at Jisoo being defensive.

"You said his game console's in his room. And he rarely let anyone in unless it's you or his friends. I don't think we should."

"I'll ask him. He's annoying at times but he mostly let me do what I want."

"Let's just stay here." Baekhyun was not against about the idea of playing with Jisoo. He's not even concerned with playing inside Chanyeol's room. But he's more bothered about seeing Chanyeol again.

The day passed and he started reading the book Chanyeol gave him. He doesn't even read books as a hobby but it's the book or staring at the ceiling and be consumed by the thought of that awkward encounter.

He still felt shameless doing his thing infront of his now-older brother. He'd been so embarassed he just wanted to be buried alive.

It has been only twenty pages since he started reading an hour ago and he felt tired already.

His eyes were getting heavy and he let out a yawn. He looked to his side to see an unconcious Jisoo sleeping on his bed beside where he is sitting. Drool was making its way out of his mouth and Baekhyun gave a tired laugh.

He put the book at the table side, lay on his back, and closed his eyes to be consumed by the lazy afternoon's drowsiness.

Darkness was everywhere when he looked the next time he opened his eyes. Only a glimmer coming from afar, he tried walking towards the light but felt as if he's not getting any closer. He kept walking, his pace getting faster by the minute. The light was still far. He kept moving to a jog until he ran towards the light. He's running faster and faster but the light is running away as well. His heart is beating fast but his pace was faster. Eager to get to the light, he was heaving but kept on going.

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