Chapter Sixty Two

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Wheels rolling.


Footsteps squeaking.


Heavy breathing.

"Stay with me." Chanyeol pleaded as they pushed the bed towards the operating room.

"I'm sorry, sir. But you can't go beyond this point." A nurse said when he blocked Chanyeol from stepping inside the operating room. Chanyeol stopped himself from running, his eyes following where Baekhyun is being taken until the doors closed, leaving Chanyeol outside the operating room. He wiped the remaining tears from his bloodshot eyes and saw Min Jae and Jisoo running towards the operating room where he is standing.

"Is he in there? Is he still alive?" Min Jae hysterically asked.

"He's.. he's in there." Chanyeol said, petrified.

"What did they say? Is he going to wake up?" Min Jae asked.

"He's going to wake up!" Jisoo yelled. "He can't die."

"Jisoo, he'll wake up, right? He's going to be okay?"

"Min Jae, get a hold of yourself. He'll wake up."

"How can I get a hold of myself when Baekhyun is dying inside there?"

"He's not dying!" Chanyeol yelled.

"Says the person who puts his life in danger!"

"Do you think I wanted this to happen?"

"You should've never let him out of your sight!"

"Stop it!" Jisoo yelled and pushed them apart from each other. "Fighting won't solve anything at this point. Do you think Baekhyun would want you to blame and kill each other?"

"Jisoo, Baekhyun can't die." Min Jae said.

"He won't die. He survived all these years, he won't die today."

"Min Jae!" The three of them looked at Mr. Kim who just arrived, running towards them.

"Dad. I told you to go home." Min Jae said.

"I was going to tell you at the festival but you left me there." Mr. Kim said. "I don't know why but earlier this week, I noticed someone is following me. As if he's keeping an eye on me. And today, I tried going to different places and I see that person everywhere."

"Who is it? Dad, tell me. Did you see his face?"

"No. He's always wearing a black turtleneck and a hat with a face mask. I tried losing him but he's everywhere I go. Until I saw Chanyeol at the festival and worried that you're there too."

"Why are you being followed?" Min Jae asked.

"I don't know what they want from me too."

"It's not you they're after." Chanyeol said. "They followed you because you might lead them to Min Jae. Dad must've sent that man."

"Mr. Park?" Mr. Kim asked. "Why would he send someone to find my son?"

"Because he knows Min Jae's hiding Baekhyun and me."

"Why? Park Chanyeol, tell me what's going on. Why are you hiding?"

"Dad, I'm sorry." Min Jae said. "I didn't tell you because I don't want you to worry about me."

"Kim Min Jae, explain to me now what is happening?"

"Dad, Baekhyun's life is in danger. And now, he's in a critical condition. Chanyeol's dad sold him to Wong Lucas that's why we hadn't seen him for more than a year."

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