I | Prologue

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Warning! Contains reference to physical and verbal abuse


Myra dreamt about her first year at Hogwarts.


The little girl with black hair and blue eyes stood between her father and mother, both remarkably tall. They both had cold faces and black clothes. Up ahead, two boys with black hair and blue eyes climbed onto the train and left to find their friends.

Her father looked down at her. "Now listen, Myra. You are to not bother your brothers. At all. Rodolphus is in his seventh year and Rabastan is in his fifth year. Both of them are taking exams so you are not to talk to them about petty matters." Myra nodded, not looking at him.

"And do not make any attachments. You are a Lestrange, higher than all of them, more important. You may have one or two friends, but only with the Malfoys and Blacks. They are by far the most important and will help your reputation grow." her mother stated and her parents moved away. Little did they know that little Myra disagreed with them the whole time. She hated being a Lestrange. She hated thinking she was better than everyone else. All she wanted were some friends that trust her.

Myra had dragged her trunk to the train. Her parents refused to get her a pet saying that 'It was a distraction to her studies'.

"Do you want some help with that?" Myra turned around and saw a girl with red hair and green eyes.

"Yes please." The girl helped Myra get her trunk on the train and put it in the overhead tray.

"I'm Lily Evans." The girl said, holding her hand out for Myra to shake.

"Myra Lestrange."


Myra was sitting with Lily and her friend, Severus Snape. She didn't like him. He looked very... Myra couldn't find the word for it. Maybe shifty, like he had ulterior motives for coming to Hogwarts. Also, his hair was very greasy. Myra had a book open on her lap. It was a book about two wizards who fell in love but were shunned by the community so they ran away. Her parents didn't like it when she read books. Myra didn't know why. Lily was asking Severus when they would reach the school when a group of four boys entered the compartment, not noticing who was inside.

When they closed the door, it was becoming very cramped. Myra looked at all of them. There was a boy with shoulder-length black hair and grey eyes, a boy with black hair, hazel eyes, and spectacles. Both were tall for their age of eleven. There was a short, slightly round boy with mousy brown hair and nervous energy. Lastly, there was a boy who was slightly taller than all of them with sandy brown hair and small, silvery lines all over his face. His face was angular with a sharp jawline and his eyes were the deepest brown Myra had ever seen. There was an air around him that suggested he has secrets, dangerous secrets. She couldn't help but be drawn into his enigmatic character. Myra's breath caught.

He was beautiful.

She felt a blush crawl up her cheeks and she quickly looked back at the book. The boy with spectacles turned around and saw Lily sitting next to Myra and Severus across from them.

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