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The full moon approached quicker than Myra wanted it to. Remus' health deteriorated faster than she thought it would, his face paling considerably and hollow, being more tired than he usually was, his attitude lowering. Myra's last encounter with Remus on the last full moon they had together had been brought up to the surface of her mind and she subconsciously acted the slightest bit warier around him. She knew that he noticed and she hoped that he didn't hate her for it.

Remus spoke to her about the last full moon. They were alone in the Common Room in the middle of the night. Myra hadn't want Remus to stay up so late because she thought that he should have gotten as much rest as he could before the full moon (she didn't outright tell him, but it was implied. He still didn't know that she knew).

"Myra, look at me."

"I am." He sighed and Myra bit her lip.

"I mean, look at my eyes." She brought her eyes up to his and blinked when she saw him staring intently at her.

"I am."

"Are you afraid of me?" He asked bluntly and she shook her head.


"Then why the distance?" He brought a hand up and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Why are you acting like I'm walking on eggshells over a chasm?"

"I didn't mean to," She whispered. "I promise." She looked back down to her hands that rested on her lap. She heard Remus sigh again.

Myra felt a soft kiss on her head and looked up in shock. Remus had moved closer to her and had cupped her head in his hands, bringing his forehead close to hers.

"It's because of what happened last time, isn't it?" He asked sadly, his eyes filling with dark emotion. Even though she shook her head and stated it wasn't, the emotion didn't go away. "You don't have to worry. It won't ever happen again, I swear it." Myra took a deep breath.

"I didn't mean to." She repeated softly. "I-"

"That's fine." He cut in. "I know you didn't." He unexpectedly hugged her close to his body, causing her to let out a small puff. She couldn't see his face but she hoped he didn't feel any self-loathing. "I understand. But... trust me. I'll make sure it won't happen." She nodded.

"I'm sorry," Myra mumbled, her voice slightly muffled from Remus' shirt. "I really am." She felt another kiss on her head.

"You don't have to be. Just trust me."


Two days later in breakfast, she saw Remus limping into the Great Hall with his arm slung around James' shoulder. To anyone who didn't know him, they would think nothing of it. But Myra saw through that. She could see how he limped and how he held his left arm close to his chest. She saw the new scratches and the exhaustion in his steps. When he sat next to her, he gave her a wide grin, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Good morning!" He said cheerfully. Myra gave him a smile back.

"Good morning to you too."

She hated how Remus had to pretend how he didn't flinch every time he reached for a refill of pumpkin juice or how his back didn't slump. She hated that he thought that she couldn't help him through his suffering. She hated how she couldn't do anything.

Unless... Myra glanced at the three boys sitting next to Remus, noticed their obvious exhaustion even though their smiles were as bright as ever. She the small bruise on the back of Sirius' hand, the small cut on Peter's forehead. Werewolves are only violent around humans.

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