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Even though it was the end of January, Myra had started studying for the OWLs. She knew that her friends, even Lily, thought that it was too early to start. Nonetheless, she insisted on going to the library in every free period she had, staying up late in the Common Room, and getting up early in the dorm. She knew it would only get worse as the weeks passed by.

One particular day, or rather, night, Myra was, as usual, staying up in the Common Room, relying on the light of the flickering fireplace. She was going through her Astronomy textbook. She hadn't been really doing anything in the subject and was nervous that she would accidentally make a fundamental mistake.

Red and yellow light flickered over the black print and an ink drawing of Jupiter, Europa, and Io. She ran her finger across the page as her eyes darted from word to word, her brain mentally cataloging it. It was a skill she picked up in her second year. The next page had a more detailed drawing of the ice regions on Europa, the next had positions in the night sky, so on so forth.

When she finished the chapter, she closed the book and rubbed her eyes with her fingers, trying to ease the exhaustion out of them. Even when she closed her eyes for merely a moment, Myra just wanted to curl up and sleep. But she refused to do that.

She reached to the pile of books next to her and pulled out her Arithmancy. Her friends still pitied her for taking it, but she enjoyed it. Myra loved the challenge.

When Myra opened the book to her page, she heard a rustle behind her. She turned around to look over the seat to see Remus stumbling to the portrait door, still in his pajamas.

"Remus?" She called out. He stopped and turned around.

"Myra?" He asked, coming closer to her. She moved her books so he could sit, "What are you doing up so late?"

"Is it late? I thought it was only eleven." Remus shook his head.

"It's one. Are you studying?" His eyes looked to the books in her hand and on the table in front of her. She blushed and nodded, looking down.

"Yeah," She mumbled. Myra didn't really want to hear a lecture from him about how 'she should go to sleep' and how that 'this wasn't healthy for her' and that 'there are four and a half months until the exams'. Marlene and Alice reminded her enough.

"Oh. Do you need a break? You look awfully tired," He remarked. She shrugged.

"I suppose that I could do for a break. Why are you up?"

"I was planning on going down to the kitchens to get a cup of hot chocolate. Do you want to come?" Confused, she nodded her head and followed Remus through the portrait door.

"Didn't you and Lily have night patrols tonight?" Myra whispered as they walked down the stairs. Remus nodded.

"We finished around an hour ago. I couldn't sleep so I decided to get something to drink."

They continued their small talk as they traveled through the halls, keeping their voices low. Myra didn't know which prefects would be around and where but she didn't want to draw attention to themselves. Occasionally, they would spot a ghost floating aimlessly down the hall and they would each duck behind either a statue or a knight.

Remus stopped in front of a large painting of a fruit bowl. Standing behind him, Myra watched as he reached up and tickled the pear. To her surprise, it started wriggling around and a green handle emerged. Remus used the handle to push inside. A small door opened where the pear was.

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