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Warning: Mention of self-harm and depression


Myra stood barefoot in a field of flowers. With a slight wind in the air, she saw stray petals fly up and over her head. Compelled to follow them, she chased after them, running with the wind pushing at her, urging her to go faster and faster and further and further. To catch the petals before they fall. To touch them before they touch the ground.

She didn't notice anything in her surroundings change as she ran, she just followed the petals. Soon, the terrain grew rocky, pebbles, and stones digging into her feet.

But she didn't stop. She wanted to stop, to catch her breath, but she just kept on running.

And she couldn't stop when she saw the looming cliff face. She couldn't stop running as her foot met nothing.

She couldn't stop chasing the petals even as she fell through the air.


Dear Myra,

Fleamont told me that I should write letters to you if I wanted to contact you. Although I find this method of communication rather tedious (I don't know where to get this parchment from any nearby stores and they only have fountain pens, no quills. I suppose I could use those as well), the owl that he gave me seemed nice enough. Your grandmother loved her. I bet she's already pampering her with all sorts of treats in the kitchen.

So how is your school going? I hear that you don't do any arithmetic anymore. Lucky you! I used to be so bad at it. My parents were so frustrated with me. But what I was really good at was chemistry, which I understand is similar to your potions class. In chemistry, we learn about the materials that make up the universe and the different things that we can make when we combine them.

It's rather dangerous, however. One girl in my class was leaning too close to the fire and her hair caught on fire. We had to evacuate while she went to the nurse. Shame what happened to her.

I'm going to pass it over to Eleanor. She said that she wanted to talk to you, so I'm going to write what she says.

"Hi, Myra! How is your school? How are your friends? And that nice boy you introduced to us? I hope you are studying hard and are not slacking off like this lump (she pointed at me) used to do. I hope that you get good food where you stay. If not, tell me and I'll make the biggest feast that you have ever seen!

Alright, Myra! Be safe, don't do anything dangerous. I'll see you when you get back home, okay? Bye!"

Honestly, I'm surprised she remembered this much. I don't doubt that she'll make food, so I better make sure she doesn't harm herself.

Goodbye, Myra! We miss you and I wish that we get to see you again this coming summer break.

Lots of love,

Dear Nonno and Grandma,

If you haven't grown up in this world, owls are a rather... different source of communication. There's also the floo network, but I don't think you'll like that very much. Owls are cute, aren't they? Grandma seems to like them.

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