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Late November 1979

"Moony, save me! I can't take this!"

"You brought it on yourself."


"Moony, what am I going to do? How do I do this? I'm so nervous!"

"... I'm honestly wondering what you would do if you hadn't met us."

"Me too!"

"Prongs, mate, listen to yourself! All you have to do is walk up, kneel, show her the ring we picked out, and when she says 'yes', we've got a wedding to plan!"

"But I don't even know if she's going to say 'yes'!"

"Jesus Christ, what happened to the James Potter who ran after Lily for all those years in Hogwarts?"



When James had apparated into Myra's house without a warning, she was a little bit curious. But all he did was grab Remus' arm (who looked mildly alarmed) and apparate again.

She wasn't really concerned. It wasn't the first time it had happened anyway.

So she carried on with her day, going to the library and back. She was waiting for a mission from the Order anyway.

I wonder what they're doing.


"Prongs, you've got to be joking. Can't you see the karat on that diamond? Don't you want her to say 'yes'?"

"She can't say 'yes' with a filthy two karat. It's going to be bigger than her finger. Honestly, you act like you've got no head on your shoulders."

"Prongs, not that one! That one is platinum and we do not do platinum in this household. It's either silver or up."

"Actually, don't take the silver one. Any of the golds."

"Not the fucking 18 karat gold, it's the cheapest one. Do you want Evans soon-to-be-Potter to think that you were being stingy while buying her an engagement ring?"

"Finally! It took you forever! Now, come on, we've got to go look at your engagement plan. I'm betting that you've barely even started."


"Lily, I can't feel my legs."

"What have you been doing all day? You're more tired than the time you lot ran all over England."

"First of all, it wasn't all over England, it was just around my parents' house. Second, I can't tell you."

"Well then, I can't help you."

"No! Don't leave me! I can't get up by myself!"

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