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Spending the holidays with the Potters was much different than staying at Hogwarts. For one, she had someone to talk to. Everyone she knew in her year that was willing to talk to her had left and all the younger years were scared of her family and all the older years just thought that she was bratty. She was told multiple times.

Every day, she woke up to Aunt Euphemia gently tapping on her door. Living with her parents has been... difficult, even before Hogwarts. Negligence does things to a child's inner thoughts. She always thought that she was unwanted and unloved. Her parents refused to acknowledge her, only when she made the minute of mistakes.

Here, there was never a question. Every day, she was woken with a soft kiss on her forehead and a gentle voice. She would get out of bed and her aunt would tell her breakfast was ready on the table. Myra would go to the adjoining bathroom and wash up and dress up in muggle clothing. She and Aunt Euphemia and Sirius went to the town nearby and bought some clothes for Myra because she had a "dismal little wardrobe of Hogwarts robes and too small socks". Sirius' exact words.

After getting dressed, she would go downstairs. She would always be the third one there, after Aunt Euphemia and Uncle Monty. She would wait patiently for another five to ten minutes until she heard thumping sounds from the stairs. James and Sirius would slide into two random chairs, always next to each other. Then they would all start eating breakfast while her aunt told them about what they were to do each day.

She always managed to find extra chores every day. On the first day, it was pruning the garden and pulling up roots, and cleaning them off. The next day was dusting off every shelf in the house. The next was cleaning the cutlery and plates. Myra had a sneaking suspicion that Aunt Euphemia just didn't want James and Sirius to think too much about upcoming pranks.

Myra would keep a small journal. In it, she would write every update with her living with the Potter's.

Day 1:
1. Mr. Potter demanded me to call him Uncle Monty
2. Aunt Euphemia cares a lot about her plants
3. James doesn't want anyone to go into his room. I suspect he has plans about pranking that he
doesn't want his mother finding them

Day 2:
1. Uncle Monty loves muggle newspapers. Not what is on them. Just how they make them
2. The Potter's used to host balls and parties before James went to Hogwarts. Then they made him focus on his studies

Day 3:
1. Sirius liked a lot of rock bands, mostly muggle ones
2. Aunt Euphemia like jazz and Uncle Monty likes any modern songs

Her journal had notes like these continuing for days. After the first week, her notebook had already reached the halfway point.

This particular day, at breakfast, Aunt Euphemia surprised them.

"Muggles have been making these moving pictures with sounds. There is a cinema in the town and I was thinking about all of us going."

There was a clatter as James dropped his spoon into his porridge.

"What?" Uncle Monty asked.

"Are you feeling okay, mum? Why do you want to go to the movies?" Aunt Euphemia swatted his head.

"I want to take Myra and Sirius with me because they have never seen a movie. I graciously extended the offer to you two but since you don't want to, then you can stay at home and water the flowers." She shrugged mockingly and turned away.

"No!" James yelled, "We'll come! No more chores!" Her aunt smiled cheekily at her husband.

"I told you." She said before clearing all the empty bowls. Myra had given up complaining. Aunt Euphemia refused to let her guests clear their own spaces.

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