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3k reads? 150+ votes?? Must be a scam, innit? Special early chapter for it!

Warning: Mention of blood, death, and dark thoughts



The first thing she felt was something covering her eyes. When she tried to move her hand to take it off, it wouldn't move. She tried again but it remained still. It was as if it was disconnected from her brain, refusing to do what it said.

She felt her legs start to move and she walked forward. She didn't know where she was going, only hoped that she wouldn't bump into anything. As her feet plodded on, she could slowly regain control of her arms. As soon as she was able, she ripped off the blindfold.

What she saw made her let out a choked scream.

Bodies littered the path she walked on. She didn't recognize any of them as she continued walking. A strange fascination built up in her as she saw the disfigured bodies. However, horror soon filled every pore of her being as she realized that some of them were still living. Their strangled gasps, their twitched limbs. She wasn't able to stop herself from walking. She desperately wanted to help them, but she couldn't do anything.

As she kept on walking, she could see some of the bodies growing scarily familiar. She couldn't pinpoint it yet, but she could feel as if she knew some of the people on the ground. She could feel herself go pale as she saw a flash of red on the ground. The red hair of a friend.

She couldn't stop to grieve. Her feet wouldn't let her. They continued on and she tried to look away from the bodies of her friends, of her family. The strange fascination made her nauseous and she continued walking.

When she finally did stop, she was in front of a tall tree, so tall that she couldn't see where it ended. With tears running down her cheeks, she finally sat down, her legs aching, her chest heaving.

"What's happening?" She asked softly, looking up at the tree. A voice resonated from its trunks, making her head pound, and her heart vibrate.

"Are you happy you took off the blindfold?" She shook her head.

"No, I hate it."

"So why did you? You were blissfully oblivious to the carnage around you. You were blinded from the horrible truth. Why did you take the blindfold off?"

"Because I wanted to know what was behind it. I hated not knowing where I was going."

"But is this what you wanted?"


She was in Hogwarts, but its halls were empty. Curious, she walked until she reached the corridor leading into the Great Hall. When she walked in, she was surprised to see the Potter mansion. The scene around her shifted until she was standing inside the main room, the fire flickering happily in the grate, the smell of stew in the air, and the bright sunlight filtering through the window.

"Myra?" She heard Aunt Euphemia ask, "Where were you?"

"I was outside," She found herself saying. "Uncle Monty wanted some help bringing in the groceries."

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