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Warning: Mentions suicide, death.



Myra was jolted awake as her window rattled, dangerously close to breaking. Groggily, she rolled off her bed, barely catching herself. Trying to keep her eyes open, she looked to the cause of her waking.

Two shapes stood outside the window. One small Barred Owl was furiously flapping its wings, its claws scratching at the window. What terrified Myra was the large, black screech owl was beating its wings against the pane of the glass. Myra recognized that owl. 

It was the family owl.

She hurriedly opened the window, her drowsiness gone. The screech owl came in and perched on the edge of Myra's bedside table. Myra untied the letter from its leg and stroked the owl.

"Hey, Zale." She whispered. She named him when she was eight, having found the name in a book of Greek translations. It meant 'sea strength and Myra had thought that was beautiful. The strength of a raging sea contained in a small owlet. Her parents hadn't bothered naming Zale for the seven years they had him.

Zale affectionately nipped her finger before taking off again into the sky. Myra held the letter in her hand for a moment before placing it on the table. She turned to the smaller owl. It held out one leg with a small roll of parchment tied with a fraying piece of rope. It also had a large package tied under the letter. Myra wondered how the small owl had the strength to carry it. Curious, she untied the parchment and the package. The owl held out its other leg, a small leather pouch on it. Myra rustled around her drawer and found a spare knut. She dropped it into the pouch and watched the smaller owl fly away.

Myra finally glanced back at the letter on the table. She couldn't open it in the dorm. Who knew what it would make her feel. She might end up crying and sobbing. No, it was better that she read it in a place where people would rarely go.

She looked out the window. The sky was still black and dark blue. She couldn't tell when the sun was going to come up. With a spare robe wrapped around her, she creeped out of her dorm, down the stairs, and out of the Common Room.

This time, she knew exactly where she was going. It was remote and one of the highest points in Hogwarts. Plus, the Astronomy Tower wasn't too far off from the Gryffindor Common room. She walked as quietly as she could. She didn't wear her shoes so she could feel the cold stone floors and the temperature outside didn't help.

Myra quietly climbed up the stairs to the top of the tower. Immediately, the cold bit her face and she couldn't feel her toes. Nonetheless, she sat by the edge of the tower, one foot dangling off the edge, her back resting against the wooden frame.

Myra decided to open the letter from her parents. Best to get the worst out of the way. Slowly and reluctantly, she opened the letter. Sitting under the light of the crescent moon, she read.

Dear Myra,
We are writing to inform you that the house-elf called Nixie has been terminated. Your father discovered her sending a correspondent to you. We deemed it fit to convey this message through our scribe so our hands will never write your name.
If you have any incentive to return home, be aware that you will be punished severely. We are aware that the slave has been treating your unfortunate injuries. This will not happen again as all other elves have been ordered to refuse to aid you.
Evan Lestrange & Octavia Lestrange

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