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Jacob believed them immediately. She was surprised at how readily he understood their predicament and how willing he was to help them. From what she had studied, the last time the magical community came out to the muggles, there had been riots and revolts against the wizards and many of them were killed. Wizards and witches had hidden away after that, and Myra thought that muggles would carry the same ideology as they once had.

Apparently, the changes in the generations prevented that from happening. And she was more than happy about it.

Rookwood had not moved ever since they (Sirius) had tied her up. Myra was feeling a bit uneasy about her silence but, seeing as they had erased her memories, she didn't think that there should be anything wrong.

They parted ways with Jacob soon after. After making him swear that he wouldn't tell anyone (and telling him the possible consequences of that happening), James wanted to make him buy them some more sandwiches for making them lose their seat in the restaurant. Myra and Sirius managed to persuade him otherwise but he was adamant about Jacob buying them some sort of food.

"I'll make something at home and bring it over to your place. How does that sound?" At that, Sirius and Myra exchanged uneasy glances. He seemed to be following the same train of thought. No matter how kind James' parents were, she wasn't sure they wouldn't try to take the situation under their control even when they had already handled everything.

"It's fine!" Myra interjected while Sirius pulled James away. "I'll see you later, yeah?" Without waiting for an answer, she went back to the duo, who was untying Rookwood so that they could move her as if she had passed out. It was something she had picked up by watching muggle movies (James rather liked a series of movies based on a muggle, James Bond, who had gadgets that helped him be some sort of spy. She was afraid of what sort of ideas he would get from them).

They started walking back to the Potter mansion with Rookwood being supported between Sirius and James. Myra was in charge of making sure that no one tried to stop them because 'You're the best liar out of all of us and she's really heavy'. On the way, Myra quietly told them exactly what to do when they went back in.

"Once we go inside and if one of them asks us what happened, tell them that she had taken a muggle captive and we thought that we had to do something. We saved the muggle and erased his memories afterward. Okay?" She muttered and the other two nodded.

"And if they ask us any more questions that might make me or Sirius crack, you respond and we'll do our best to try not to look like we're hiding something," James let out a harsh sigh and adjusted his grip on the woman. "Knowing my mother, she will probe as much as she can so you'll have to do your best."

"But since it's concerning You-Know-Who, won't she want to report it to the Ministry?" Sirius asked as they walked onto an emptier road. "We three know that the Ministry's compromised now because Rookwood's got an inability of keeping important secrets secret."

"But that helps us," Myra pointed out, "But I see where you're going. Honestly, I don't know. Maybe we can have someone go through our memories and pick it out."

Sirius shook his head. "No, they'd just think we altered it. Rookwood's a pretty big name in the Ministry and they won't believe us if we show them our memories." Myra was about to respond when James spoke.

"Lad and laddie," He stopped for a moment and she watched him go through his pocket and pull out an oversized grey box with switches on the sides. "I recorded the conversation."

"What is that?" Sirius asked, almost offended. "It looks ghastly." James rolled his eyes.

"It's a recorder. Muggles invented it. It's supposed to record things on the television but I modified it to record conversations, thinking that I could use it for planning pranks. I recorded all the stuff she said." James pressed one of the buttons on the side and she could hear a faint whirring. She could hear snippets of the conversation she had played over and over in her head with the smallest sounds of rustling as she supposed James moved closer to them.

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