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By the time the holidays ended, Myra had felt the happiest she had ever felt. The most open, the freest she had ever felt. The night before they left, James had proudly stated that she was more open with her feelings and no longer seemed to keep things bottled up.

"I would like to promote you!" He stated, putting his hand on her shoulder as if he was knighting her. "I, James Potter, promote you to the role of a permanent Marauder!" When she looked up at him in confusion, he sighed. "Did you forget? We made you a probationary Marauder back when you first told me that you were my cousin."

"Oh. Right."

Sirius had gone back to his place a few weeks before the holidays ended. Myra didn't know why. One day, he announced at breakfast that he would go back to his parents' house. By that night, he had packed his bags and stood in front of the fireplace, hugging Aunt Euphemia and Uncle Monty goodbye. Myra had hugged him tightly, clearly surprising him.

"Be careful, okay?" She whispered, making sure that the others couldn't hear. He gave her an imperceptible nod.

"I will."

"And try to talk to Regulus." She could feel his mild disgust but also hesitancy.


Myra tried to keep her worry about Sirius hidden. The others knew that Sirius' family wasn't the best one and they knew that they hated him, but she wasn't sure if they knew about the abuse he faced. She hated that she couldn't do anything to help him. She tried to make him change his mind, but he was adamant.

She couldn't wait until September first. She would finally be able to see Remus, Sirius, Lily, Alice, and Marlene on the platform. Myra would see her friends again. She couldn't wait until she saw her friends again.





"MYRA!" Myra had to drop her bags to catch the figure flying at her. Black hair covered her vision as arms squeezed the air out of her lungs. "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"

"I missed you too," She choked out, blowing some of Marlene's hair from her face. "Please let me go." When Marlene backed away, Myra took a deep breath just in time for Lily and Alice to 4engulf her in their own hug. She heard a mock sigh from behind her as she struggled to see beyond their hair.

"I suppose I can't greet my girlfriend now," She heard a voice from behind her. As Lily pulled away, she heard her grumble about how 'Remus is so clingy'. Grinning, Myra turned around and barreled into his arms, enjoying how he seemed to anticipate the action, his arms immediately wrapping around her and pulling her close to him.

"Hi," She said, her voice muffled by his chest.



The first thing Myra did when she woke up was dress up and quickly go to Dumbeldore's office. She had sent a letter to him over the summer about taking the advanced classes in Charms that Professor Flitwick had suggested she should take. He had responded by saying that she should come to his office on the first day of school before the classes started.

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