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Warning: Contains a reference to low self-esteem, abuse, and thoughts of suicide

If you are struggling with negative thoughts like these, please ask for help. There will be someone to help you. Overcoming obstacles like these by yourself is so, so, so hard. I know from personal experience. Please look for help, speak to someone, anyone. 


Of course, I'm only 'interesting'. I am not 'pretty' or 'nice'. INTERESTING! Myra was mad, raging, storming. Basically, pissed. Lily and Alice were constantly trying to get her to tell them what was wrong but Myra was ignoring them, focusing on other work.

At breakfast the next day, Myra was sitting silently as Alice, Lily, and Marlene were chatting and laughing like normal. The Marauders were sitting a bit away from them. The thing that Myra noticed was strange was that Sirius was not there. Call it paranoia but she couldn't help but feel dread settling in her heart. That feeling had been there for the past day, ever since she heard James and Peter talking in Transfiguration.

"Myra, do you think I should dye my hair?" Marlene asked, shoving a strand of her perfectly conditioned and vanilla-scented hair in Myra's face. Myra made a face and shoved Marlene's hand away.

"I don't know. May-" At that moment, the doors to the Great Hall banged open and everyone quieted. Sirius Black waltzed in and dropped himself on James' lap.

"Jamesie-poo! I've missed you!" He squealed. Myra exchanged confused glances with Alice as they watched the interaction continue. Sirius pouted and sat next to James. Conversation in the Great Hall resumed.

"Jamesie-poo! Darling!" The Marauders were close enough to Myra so that she could hear them, "You didn't come to bed last night! I was waiting for ages!" Alice spat out pumpkin juice as she and Myra dissolved into giggles. Sirius gave Myra a sly grin before turning back to James, "You know how much I hate it when you are always studying!"

Poor James looked so confused, "Padfoot, mate, what are you talking about?"

Sirius looked so shocked that Myra almost started laughing again, "You know what I mean! It was our anniversary!" Myra bit back another laugh, looking at Lily. Lily looked so mad she could have made a dementor run away in fright.

Sirius planted a big kiss on James' cheek. The other Marauders looked confused as Sirius hugged James and seemed to whisper something in his ear. Realization dawned on James' face and he immediately started hugging Sirius back.

"I'm sorry, Pads. I got carried away." When James winked at Remus and Peter, Myra realized what he was trying to do. With another glance at Lily, it seemed as if Sirius' plan was going well.

"Lily, do you want to go?" Myra asked, trying hard not to laugh. Lily nodded curtly and stormed out of the Great Hall. Myra nodded at James as she walked past and he gave her a smile. She heard Sirius give a small 'oomf' as James shoved him off his lap.

"Who does he think he is?!" Lily ranted, fuming. Myra caught up to Lily.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," she snapped, "Since when has he been dating Sirius? He has been chasing me for the past five years! Why has he began dating Sirius?" Myra grinned.

"Lily, I think you're jealous." Lily whipped her head to Myra.

"No, I am not!" Lily practically shrieked. Myra winced.

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