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Myra knew that she should have told Lily about the prank, told her about what they were planning. But at the same time, she didn't want to betray Marlene. Marlene really wanted to do this. She truly believed that the Slytherin's, all of them, deserved to be punished. She didn't want to betray the Marauders. They were like family to her. Telling Lily would mean that they wouldn't get to bring the Slytherins to justice.

A small but not that small part of her wanted to be a part of the prank. She knew that Black and Malfoy deserved to get what they deserved. She knew that the ones who knew about it deserved to get the justice they deserve.

Except for Regulus. He was the one who helped her, aided her. He only told the people who could help her better. She didn't blame him.

She blamed herself.


That Friday was normal. Myra woke up, got ready, woke up the others, and went downstairs to the Common Room. She waited by the portrait door, taking out her Charms textbook while she was waiting. When she heard loud voices descending from the boys' dormitories, she moved to the side, not wanting to block their way.

"Myra!" She heard Sirius call out, "We wanted to talk to you." She looked up and hesitantly walked to them, her finger marking the page in her textbook. James glanced at it in her hands and laughed.

"Are you really studying now?" He asked, snatching the book from her.

"Hey!" She protested. He held it out of her reach, "Give it back!" Before James could retort, she saw someone take it out of his hands and hand it to her.

"Thanks, Remus," She said quietly. Myra still wasn't sure if he was mad at her.

"You're welcome. James was just being a prat."

"Hey!" She giggled.

"What did you want to tell me?" She asked.

"Right," Sirius said, "Remember that prank we were talking about?" Her mood fell and she nodded slowly.

"We planned it for today," Peter said.

"And we wanted to tell you so you didn't get caught up in it." James finished.

"When is it?" Myra asked. She already knew what she had to do.

"It's during breakfast, at their table," Remus answered.

"Okay. Thanks for telling me." She moved to leave when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Actually," Remus said, "Can I talk to you?" He asked. Myra felt her heartbeat speed up as she nodded. She heard the other Marauders walk through the portrait door. She hoped that they wouldn't do the prank without Remus there.

"Yes?" She asked. He suddenly looked very nervous, red creeping up his neck.

"I-I wanted to apologize for my behavior at Hogsmeade," He said, "I didn't want to draw it out again like I did last time. I wanted to tell you that it was completely my fault." Myra shook her head.

"No," He looked at her, surprised, "I will not let you take the blame for something that I did. I understand why you... reacted as you did. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before but it was my fault." Myra watched his reaction carefully. She didn't want it to seem that she knew about his secret. He would be scared of her if he knew.

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