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Warning: Mention of blood and name-calling (I'm not sure how else to phrase it but yeah, name-calling works)


Myra sat with James outside the hospital room with bouncing legs and wringing fingers. When the door next to them opened, both of them stood up and hurriedly ran to the healer.

"Is he going to be okay?"


She could still hear the roar of Sirius' new motorbike (something that she was both thrilled and confused about) as he slowed to a stop in front of the mansion in the middle of the night.

Myra had only been awake because she had been writing a letter that she planned to send in the morning. When she had sealed the envelope, a loud banging from her window made her look up to see an owl viciously batting its wings against the glass.

When she had read the letter in its claws, a roar filled the air, so loud that she thought that, somehow, someway, James had snuck in a lion. She looked out her window but she couldn't see anything so she left her room. As she had gone down the stairs, a loud knocking echoed through the mansion, repeatedly. Half-scared, half-curious, she approached the door with her wand in hand.

However, the second she opened the door, the familiar body of Sirius practically collapsed against the floor. Letting out a small shriek, she had crouched over him with her heart pounding almost painfully. Her hands wiped at the bloody patches on his face as pounding footsteps ran up behind her.

"Oh my God!" Uncle Monty exclaimed as Aunt Euphemia immediately started getting her things ready to go out. Myra heard James ask what was going on but she wasn't listening. She was just trying to make sure that Sirius stayed awake as the five of them quickly brought Sirius to the fireplace.

Uncle Monty helped Sirius lean on him as they stepped into the fireplace and green flames erupted around them. After them was James who disappeared in equally green flames and Myra could see how much worry was on his face.


Myra never liked traveling by floo, with the soot and the mild heat against her legs. But this time, she didn't care. All she could think about were the purple and black bruises all over Sirius' face, the deep cut in his temple, and the blood covering the entire side of his face.

Her hand was still sticky with the blood.

When she had stumbled into the main lobby of St. Mungos, she didn't see Uncle Monty or Sirius. Instead, she saw James sitting in one of the chairs, his hands placed under his chin as he bit his lip. She sat down clumsily next to him, her head leaning against the wall.

"What happened?" James asked and she could tell that he was close to tears (it was the heaviness and the way he forced out his words). She sadly shrugged.

"I don't know." It didn't surprise her that she, too, was close to tears. "I just woke up to the engine of the motorbike and I went downstairs when he knocked. When I opened the door, he just collapsed." Myra rubbed her hand on her robe, trying to get rid of the blood.

Her hands shook as the red on her hand starkly contrasted the pale and harsh lighting of the waiting area. Even though she knew that there was a proper visitor's waiting room upstairs, she didn't want to leave. She knew that Sirius would be on the ground floor so that is where she will wait.

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