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Until right before her Christmas holidays, nothing remotely interesting happened to her. She started falling into another schedule of almost endless exhaustion of waking up at five, going to the Common Room with her books, study until almost the end of breakfast when the Marauders would come up to find her still huddled on one of the couches and drag her down, go through her classes, come back up to the Common Room and study some more until one of her friends dragged her up to the dorm.

She regretted that she wasn't able to spend as much time as she liked with Remus but she made sure that she had at least two hours every day with him outside classes. It could be during breaks and free periods or after dinner, but she wanted to make sure that he didn't feel like she was forgetting about him.

However, every morning, she noticed small circles under her eyes, darkening with every day. Alice insisted that she get more sleep and study a bit less, but Myra was adamant that she keep with this schedule.

Myra hasn't told anyone yet, but the one reason she was studying this hard was so that she can become a professor. She wasn't sure how much they made but surely they made enough to buy a house. Somewhere in the suburbs, close enough to the big city that she could take an hour walk around but far enough away that she didn't have to deal with the crowds. Somewhere affordable that wouldn't hinder her transportation to and from Hogwarts. Somewhere where the neighbors were nice but not nosy. Somewhere where she could be at peace with her friends and where she could relax.

She was really looking forward to buying her own place.

Maybe with Remus, we can live there together.

Shut up. That's many, many, many years into an uncertain future. Don't think about that when you should focus on what you're doing now. Which is studying.

And who even knows if he wants to stay with you? He probably wants to stay at his own place with his own friends, probably close to his parents which would be far away from your place.

Freaking study, Myra!


Remus wondered what was going on in Myra's mind. He knew that her NEWTs. were stressing her out and he knew that she didn't leave enough time aside for herself. He would never tell anyone this, but sometimes he wondered if she should just stop for a day and spend some more time with him (and her friends, he added in as an afterthought). But every time he thought that he pushed it down, insisting that he was proud that she was ahead and was the best in Charms in the entire school.

He knew his friends were confused as to why he wasn't sad that she didn't spend more time with him but he constantly told them that she was going to become the greatest charm-caster in the school and there was a lot of work put behind that.

(Some small part of him wondered if he was just trying to convince himself).

He did put aside small cakes for her in the Great Hall whenever she came late and he did make sure she got all the notes from the classes. He did give her a small kiss every day in the morning when they met and in the evening before they went up to their respective dorms. On the weekends, he helped her study by quizzing her and she always hugged him afterward.

Remus wasn't sure what else he could do to help her through this. He didn't know what else he could do.

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