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Warning: Mention of blood and flashbacks


'If you are seventeen years of age, or will turn seventeen on or before the 26th of June next, you are eligible for a twelve-week course of Apparition Lessons from a Ministry of Magic Apparition instructor. Please sign below if you would like to participate. Cost 12 Galleons.'

"Lacey, are you going to sign up for the lessons?"

"Aw come on! My birthday's not until July! That's five days!"

"I can't believe that my parents don't want me to learn. I begged for days after the sign was put up."

"I'm not sure. Splinching seems really painful."

"We're going to be missing so many Hogsmeade trips if we do this course."

"I'm definitely doing it!"

Ever since the notice had been put up in the Common Room, and Myra suspected that it was the same for the other houses, the sixth years had been buzzing with anticipation. The Gryffindor house didn't have many, only about eight or nine, but when she walked into the Great Hall, she could hear the conversations from the neighboring tables.

Marlene and Alice were excited to sign up, and they had, but Lily was a bit cautious. She was sure that it would benefit her, but she just wasn't sure if risking splinching was worth getting the license. She knew that, with Lily coming from a muggle background, splinching would have seemed like a horrible injury that took weeks to recover from. But, in reality, it would probably only take a few days.

Of course, Myra had already signed up. She was going to learn how to teleport. How cool was that?

Something that Myra had noticed was James he had become more... expressive with her. He would always hug her, leaning against her, put his arm around her, pull her along. She didn't know why he did it but she found that it didn't bother her as much as she thought it would.


That day, in Potions class, Slughorn seemed particularly excited. He kept bound on his heels as he walked around the room, apparently too excited to sit behind his desk as he usually did.

"He seems a bit excited," Alice murmured in her ear, sitting down next to her. Lily and Myra both nodded as more students filled the desks around them.

"I haven't seen him this excited ever since he taught us the Elixir to Produce Euphoria."

As the door swung close with a resonating thud, she could swear that she heard a giggle erupt from him. He approached the front of the class, where his desk was. On his desk was a small cauldron with a cover over it. When he took it off, pearly white fumes curled into the air.

"Today, we are going to learn about Amortentia," He said happily, starting to mix the potion. "Now, what is it?" Immediately, Myra could see hands flying up in the air, one of them belonging to Lily, along with many other girls in the class. "Yes, Miss Walfri?"

"It's a love potion!" She squealed, leaning over her desk to get a better look. "It can make people fall in love with someone else."

"Excellent. Five points to Ravenclaw."

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