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Myra was back at the Astronomy Tower, looking at Remus' form in the archway. He was facing away from her, his head tilted up, pale light filtering through the thick layer of clouds.

"You know it's your fault."

Then he jumped. She felt the same panic seize her, the same fear. She ran to the edge, watching him fall all over again. She couldn't move. Her arms were frozen, grasping at the stone wall for support. She watched his body hit the ground and she heard the deafening thump.

Only then could she move. Sobbing, she looked up to the sky. The clouds parted for a bright white orb in the sky. She stilled as she bathed in its light. Myra could feel something behind her but didn't turn around. Not yet. She glanced down to the ground, wanting to see one more glance of Remus' body before she left.

When she looked, there was nothing there. It was gone. Silently, she turned around. In the shadows of the Tower, she heard a deep growl. A pair of deep-yellow, slitted eyes emerged from the darkness, glowing dark gold in the faint light. It started making its way to Myra, heavy paws resting on the wood planks, claws scratching.

It came so close that she could feel its hot breath on her face.

"All your fault," It growled, the voice of Remus coming through, "It's your fault that this happened."

Myra let out a scream as she felt heavy paws on her shoulders, claws deep in her chest, pushing back until she lost her footing, tumbling through the dark until her eyes closed and night surrounded her.


She collapsed against the table, her open wounds streaming warm, dark liquid down her body. Her breaths came out in short puffs, her arms stretched out and her legs joined. The figure above her sneered, the point of the wand driving between her ribs.

"You're worthless. Everything is your fault."

Myra coughed, blood splattering her chest. The figure pulled back suddenly and disappeared in a whirlwind. There was a clang as she saw a light flicker above her. In the dim light, she saw the figure drag a body closer to her. She didn't want to recognize it. She did.

"Look what you did," It hissed. It threw the body closer to her. The brown hair. She let out a sob, her heart shattering all over again.


Myra awoke to the sound of whispered murmurings. She groggily opened her eyes, her arm a dead weight under her head. She sat up, her neck aching. James and Peter sat across from her, on the other side of Remus' bed and Sirius was sitting beside her. They were talking under their breaths, glancing at Remus every once in a while.

"Good morning," She croaked, her throat dry. Peter jumped as the other two looked at her.

"Myra!" James exclaimed, "You're awake!"

"What are you doing here?" Peter asked.

"What are you doing here? I told Sirius that I was going here."

"No. Your exact words were, ahem," Sirius raised the pitch of his voice and put his hands together, his expression becoming one of awe, "' I'm not going to leave him. I love him and I want to stay with him forever!'" Myra hit his arm as James and Peter stifled their giggles.

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