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"It wasn't your fault, Myra. It just happened."

"But if I never met them, they wouldn't be targetted by the Death Eaters."

"Listen, even if you didn't meet them, they would have still attacked their village."

"But they wouldn't have known. They just would have died peacefully. But they knew. And they were worried. I couldn't do anything to help them."

"It wasn't your fault. Instead of focusing on what happened and what-ifs, focus on what you did. You met your grandparents, who you didn't know existed. You spent time with them. You laughed with them, you hugged them. You were happy with them, right?"

"... Right."

"And you got to know them better, right?"


"So you should think about those. You should let those thoughts fill your mind."

"But how can I when all I think about is that I won't be able to experience that again."

"You have your aunt and uncle. You have me, James, Sirius, and Peter. You have your friends. You're not alone in this."

"It's not the same."


Remus wasn't sure about what he could do. Myra had the idea stuck in her mind and nothing he did could change it. He wasn't sure if it could change.

Don't think like that. Don't give up on her. She can do it. She can fight the dark. I just have to help her.

He started by trying to talk to her about it, but she seemed adamant. Whatever he said was turned around to put the blame on her. He knew that it would take time for her to see her beauty and her goodness, but he wished that she could have seen it from the start, to see herself the way he saw her.

Then, once he realized that words weren't going to go through her, he decided to show her.

Remus would wake up early just so that he could get to the Common Room before she did. He would compliment her whenever he could. Even as she walked down the stairs, clearly barely awake, he would say that she looked beautiful. He would watch as she blushed, ducking her head. While they were eating breakfast, he would say that she looked cute and watch as she mumbled a response.

Remus wasn't sure if this was the best way to tell Myra that it wasn't her fault. He knew that it might take time and that she won't immediately accept it. He knows that she'll just think that he compliments her because he has to. Sometimes, he's so sure that the only way to get Myra was that he brings her grandparents back so they could tell her herself.

But I can do it. I will do it. I will make her see.


Myra knew that Remus was up to something. He would always compliment her, hug her, hold her hand, kiss her cheek. She wasn't against it, but it was different then what he used to do. He was expressing more, doing more. It made her smile, but sometimes she thought that he did it because he felt obliged, because they were dating, because that's just what they did, not because he wanted to do.

That's stupid. Of course, he wants to. He was probably just nervous around you.

Are you sure?

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