Final Word

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It's a double update. If you've missed it, I updated 'LX | Epilogue' before this.


Whew! It's done! 60 chapters, and a year and roughly twelve weeks. Damn, what a ride this has been. I started this story way back in like 2019 and published it on Wattpad in 2020. This was officially the first story I truly put a lot of thought into. I spent around six, maybe seven, months thinking about what I would do with this story. I thought about the plot (which changed), the themes (which also changed), and her relationship with the other characters (which, as you can imagine, changed). This story right here is such a far cry from the one I originally planned out (I was going to kill everyone, lol. I was a dark, dark child).

Of course, like many other fanfiction authors out there, I was scared of what you would think about it. To make my first story something this gigantic and a part of one of the biggest fandoms on the platform, I was scared that I wouldn't get noticed, or even worse, that people would absolutely hate it.

But can you imagine the joy I felt when I saw the first read? The first vote? The first comment? Bruh, I was screaming the entire day. I used to think that I would only get around maybe fifty votes and to see that this is seven hundred plus is an absolute joy.

Funny thing, I used to think that I would be able to get 100 chapters out of this, easy. But, if you had followed the story on Quotev, updates were e x t r e m e l y sporadic. I even took a break to get the storyline back on track (which is funny because you'd never be able to figure that out if you only read the chapters).

But writing is fucking hard.

Notes (Things I've noticed through the comments):
• Every scene with Marlene in it is usually followed by 'I love Marlene' or 'Marlene is my spirit animal'
• Almost every scene with a pure Remus and Myra interaction (with no angst) is followed by '🥺🥺🥺'
• None of you expected her to be a panda
• You guys share one braincell and that belongs to Myra, I swear to God (just to be clear, I am included) 
• You guys are seriously (*siriusly) funny like you make me whEEZE-
• You guys are awesome

On a more serious note, I want to talk about the themes and topics that went into the story.

This book has a lot of symbolism, or, at least, hidden meanings. I've tried to incorporate J. K. Rowling's themes of friendship and love into it. When Myra is fighting the Lestranges in chapter 56, it shows her finally standing up to her demons. Myra has always lived in fear of the Lestranges, something carried through her years at Hogwarts and into her early adulthood. She's always been afraid and, because of this, she's always thought of herself as a coward. She never confessed her problems to her friends because she's always afraid that they'll either leave her or they'll think that she was too weak. The Lestranges shoved the idea that she was pathetic and weak into her mind and she believed it. She believed them all because what was she supposed to do? Those were the people she thought were her family. She prioritized their thoughts above her own and thought that, because they are her parents, they must be right. They must know her better than she knows herself.

'Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb'. That's the whole quote. When I found it, I was like 'woooooahh dOPE'. It means that the relationships formed by trust and friendship and love are stronger than the relationships formed by familial ties. At the beginning of the story, Myra thought that pleasing her Lestranges was her topmost priority, that she shouldn't be bad. She couldn't understand why the Lestranges hurt her, but she thought that it was because of something she did. So she strived to make herself better but she still couldn't understand why they didn't like her.

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