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Warning: Contains suicidal thoughts and suicide attempt


"Remus hadn't spoken to you?"



"I don't know. I should've talked to him. I noticed was wrong. I should've said something."

"It's not your fault. You never would have guessed he would do something like this."


Remus hadn't spoken to Myra. He hadn't said one word. It had been a week and he still didn't say anything to Myra. He believed that it was better. She wouldn't be hurt any more than she has already. Remus felt like she should move on.

He wasn't something worth worrying over.


The school year was approaching its end and the students were chattering excitedly about plans for the summer. Vacations to the mountains, visiting old relatives, what have you. Myra couldn't bring herself to talk about her upcoming summer. She wasn't sure what was going to happen.

She knew that she didn't want to go back. That dark place. She just wasn't sure if the Potter's wanted her back. It would make sense. A long-lost niece who randomly turned up after living with the Lestranges. It didn't make sense. She understood their suspicions.

"You're coming back, right?" James' voice woke her from her stupor in the Great Hall.

"I"m sorry?"

"To my place. Mum and Dad already set up your room. Mum said that she changed the sheets to your favorite color. Dad said he was starting on this new project but I don't know what it is. He said that we could help once we get there."

Myra stammered, opening and closing her mouth with no sound coming through. She cleared her throat before speaking again.

"I can go back?" James gave her a confused look.

"Of course. Why? Did you think they hated you?" She looked back to her plate, moving a pile of beans to the side, "Myra, you're like their new daughter. I feel pushed aside."


"It was a compliment." He sighed and placed an arm around her shoulders. She tensed slightly, her anxiety coming into play.

"Myra, are you okay?"

"Of course. Why?"

"You seem stressed and sad," James lowered his voice, his eyes darting across the table, "Is it about Remus? Because I called him a few choice words after he told me what he did. Should I do anything more? I can, if you want me to."

She shook her head wildly. Myra didn't understand why he was risking his entire, five years of friendship over her. It made her feel even more guilty than she did before. Her existence was poison to others.

"No, you didn't have to do that. Everything was fine."

"Okay. If that's how you feel, fine." James got up and went back to his friends. He briefly turned back to Myra, "Just remember that I'm trying to help you."

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