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It didn't take as long as previously thought for Remus to be able to move. The first day after he woke up, Madam Pomfrey fussed over him, constantly reprimanding Myra and the boys for not calling her sooner.

As promised, James, Sirius, and Peter brought back Remus' luggage from his dorm. They rested it at the foot of his bed. This, as Remus continuously pronounced, gave him the opportunity to 'ignore all the other idiotic things you guys are planning. Not you, Myra.'

So, that started up the schedule. Every morning, Myra would wake up early, at around six-thirty. She would take a shower, get dressed, and go up to the Hospital Wing. The other boys are sleeping in the other beds in the Hospital Wing. When Myra offered, they had refused, saying that she needed to sleep separately so they could talk about things that shouldn't be said in front of girls.

She wasn't sure what that meant but, oh well. What can you do when dealing with the Marauders.

Every day, she would sit by Remus' side. Occasionally, she would get up and take a walk around the halls before sitting again. Sometimes, she lay down on the bed next to him and listened to the conversation. About Quidditch, people, summer holidays. She would input her own ideas whenever they came up and someone always noticed. Whether it be Peter, James, Sirius, or Remus, someone would always acknowledge her.

Soon, Madam Pomfrey was leading Remus around the Hospital Wing, trying to help him walk around. She would hold his shoulder and his arm and guide him. He would take faltering steps, stumbling every now and then. Every time he fell, Myra would feel mild panic seize her throat. No matter how many times she saw him fall, she was always scared that he wouldn't get up.

On the day before they were to leave, James stood on top of an empty bed, ruffled up his hair, and spoke.

"I have a proposition," He declared, "This is mostly for Poppy to agree on but you guys can add your own points." He cleared his throat as Madam Pomfrey looked up in exasperation.

"Moony's legs have healed enough that he can walk around the Hospital Wing a few times before falling. Am I right Peter?" Peter nodded enthusiastically in response, "Therefore, I suggest that we take him outside. The sun is shining, it's warm but not that warm in the morning. It would be good for him."

"Plus, he's been cooped up here like a vampire. He doesn't need another supernatural ailing so he should go outside," Sirius joked. Myra heard Remus give a cough and his hand on hers tightened.

"Not like 'bad' supernatural," Peter cut in, "Wizards are supernatural for muggles. Like vampires. So he shouldn't be two." Sirius made a finger-gun at Peter.


Myra wanted to laugh at their horrible attempt at covering up their mistake. It was adorable how hard they tried to hide it. She was surprised that so many people hadn't already figured it out. Or maybe they had and hadn't told anyone. Either way, the Marauders' method of concealing was haphazard, at best.

"Okay." She said, sniggering behind her hand.

That day, after eating lunch in the Hospital Wing, the five of them went down to the grounds. They put Remus in a wheelchair and took him down, hovering him down the stairs and rolling him on solid ground. They all took turns for it. The boys always whined about how heavy he was and whenever Myra was pushing him, they would all refuse to have her push Remus for too long and someone always switched with her.

This way, they reached the grounds longer than it should have taken. There were many arguments between them and this made them stop walking. Myra was always the diffuser of these fights. Remus would just sit in his chair and laugh at the exchange.

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