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Warning! Mention of panic attacks and verbal abuse


Myra woke up giddy and euphoric. She hopped out of bed, quickly got ready, and went to wake the others up. All this with a small smile on her face.

"Up, up, up! It's another day with new challenges!" Myra said, grinning as Alice got up and started making her bed. Marlene groaned and rolled over.

"Why are you so happy? It's Monday." She muttered angrily, face buried in her pillow. Lily smirked and sat up, her hair a disheveled mess.

"Myra told me what happened between her and Lupin," Lily said, "I think I understand why." Marlene and Alice collectively gasped.

"What?!" Marlene shrieked, "Something happened?!"

"When?" Alice asked eagerly. Myra awkwardly rubbed her nose as Lily started hurriedly explaining.

"I came back from the Ball a bit earlier, you know? I had gotten tired and Marlene was dancing with Katherine and you and Frank were occupied. So I walked back up with Potter-"

"Ooh! Potter!" Alice exclaimed. Lily rolled her eyes.

"Yes, Alice. Get with the program. So I walked up with Potter, who has a surprisingly decent personality. I came up to the dorm to find Myra spread across her bed, a dopey smile on her face, and was staring off into space. Oh, that rhymed! I changed out of my dress, took off the makeup, and made her tell me everything," Lily turned to Myra, "Do you want to tell them, or should I?"

Myra shook her head, "I'll tell them. You'd probably make me out as some sort of flirting genius. It's better if I explain it."

And explain she did. She told them about how Remus had come up to her after Lily had left, how they sat by the fireplace and talked about each other, how Myra had answered, how she had felt, and how the meeting ended. In the end, Myra was sure she would have to get her ears checked. Marlene had leaped at her, crushing her lungs and making her fall onto a bed while Alice piled on top of them.

"YES MYRA! YOU'RE FINALLY GETTING A BOY!" Marlene shrieked. Myra winced and got up.

"You don't know that yet. We just had a conversation and decided to be friends. Nothing else happened. You don't even know if he likes me or not," Myra's voice lowered, "There's nothing about me to like." Myra didn't need to look up to see the annoyance on Marlene's face.

"Are you fuc-"

"Marlene!" Alice snapped.

"Sorry. Are you fudging kidding me! Will you ever stop underestimating yourself? So many people in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff have a crush on you! For being so smart and nice and caring and intuitive. Don't you dare talk bad about yourself! Ever!" She snapped. Myra shrunk away from her, eyes downcast, and Alice placed a hand on her shoulder. Almost immediately, she felt Marlene's anger dissipate.

She felt arms wrap around her, "I'm sorry for yelling, but you speak so low of yourself so much that I felt like I had to say something." Marlene said, sitting next to her. Lily sat across from her and held Myra's hands.

"Mar's right, Myra. You never have any confidence in yourself and you never expect anyone to appreciate you." Lily said. Myra sighed and turned to Alice.

"And do you have anything to say about my self-esteem?" She asked. Alice shook her head.

"No, but I do want to mention that we are going to be late."

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