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We've hit 1k votes! Thank you so so so so sooooo much for all the love you've given me and I literally have no idea how to give it back to you (I've already got tons of angst in this, and I don't think that it's done wonders for your heart). Let me know if you had an idea for something I could do, or... anything else.

Warning: Dueling and small amounts of blood mentioned


It was supposed to be a normal raid.

That's all it was supposed to be.


Myra wasn't even supposed to go on the mission. She wasn't expecting to. She thought her Saturday would just be spent working at the library and spending some time with Remus. She thought that maybe they'd stay up and sit in the fields and sleep in on Sunday.

She didn't think that she'd go on a mission. Especially one this severe.

Originally, Lily was supposed to go. Lily was getting ready when she said that she was starting to fall sick. Myra was there in the morning when she started to look nauseous. When, in the middle of the meeting, she got up and ran to the bathroom, Myra ran after her. Lily was hunched over the toilet, heaving. Myra held Lily's hair back as James rushed in, panting heavily.

"What happened?" He asked, rubbing Lily's back. Myra shrugged.

"I don't know. She just got up and ran." Lily spat into the toilet before sighing, turning around, and sitting on the tiled floor.

"Sorry," She mumbled, wiped her face. "Just felt really nauseous." Myra glanced at James who didn't seem to notice anything strange.

"Oh shit," He muttered, "Was it something you ate?" Lily shrugged.

"I guess."

Christ, how oblivious are they?

Lily was so sure that it would pass, that she would feel better again, but a week passed and she was still nauseous in between meetings.

"I don't think that it would be very safe for Mrs. Potter to go on the mission," Meadowes spoke up the day before the raid was supposed to take place. "Her sickness has been continuous for a week and, if this continues, I do not think that it would be in everyone's best interests for her to be a part of the mission."

Moody nodded. "I agree. We can't exactly have you upchucking while dodging a Killing Curse." Lily looked as if she wanted to protest but closed her mouth, sighing, and looking down.

"So what should we do?" Fabian (or Gideon) Prewett asked and Moody leaned back thoughtfully.

"Well, obviously, we'd have to replace her." His magical eye whizzed to Myra and he nodded. "Miss Potter has been a part of the briefings but isn't a member of the mission, correct?" Myra nodded. "Then you'll be the one replacing Mrs. Potter."

Myra's eyes widened, and she pointed at herself. "Me?" Moody nodded.

"Be prepared for tomorrow."

Before she left the base, Myra pulled Lily to the side.

"Lily, stop by the pharmacy and get a muggle pregnancy test." Lily's eyes widened and her hands went to her stomach.

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