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Warning: Mentions of attempted suicide


Myra and Remus walked back to the Common Room, hand-in-hand, and their arms swinging. Even though she felt the giddy euphoria in her, she couldn't stop thinking about what she had said to Marlene, why they argued. She had calmed down now and she realized where Marlene was coming from.

Even though it was irritating to her, it was downright petrifying. She remembered how she felt after... over last summer. The fear that had taken place in every single part of her subconscious. She couldn't even think about it without feeling a shiver crawl up her spine. It stills scares her that it could be a possibility of it happening again.

Is this what they felt? I can't believe that I was that selfish to think that they were being a hindrance to me. What kind of friend am I?

"Hey," She looked up to see Remus looking down at her in concern. He put one hand to her cheek. "Don't think like that."


"I know," He brushed a tear from her cheek. "I know. It will be alright. Trust me." Hesitantly, she nodded. Because she trusted Remus, because if he truly believed that everything would be alright, it would be.

They went back to the Common Room and Myra paused in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady. She could feel her heartbeat increase as she tapped her fingers against her thigh.

It's going to be alright.

It will be alright.

Don't worry.

The words echoed in her mind as they stepped into the Common Room. Her eyes went to the fireplace where their friends were. Marlene was sitting next to Alice, who was rubbing her back. James and Lily were sitting next to each other, both of them looking incredibly worried. Sirius was pacing anxiously with his arms crossed. When the door closed behind them, their heads snapped up to Myra and she tensed. Remus' thumb rubbed circles around her knuckles as Marlene got up from her seat.

"Marlene, I- I'm so sorry," Myra choked out looking down to her feet. "I shouldn't have said that. I took it too far and-"

She was cut off when Marlene wrapped her arms around Myra's shoulders, a small cry coming from her. Myra's heart tore. She has never, ever, ever seen Marlene cry. No matter what happened at home, at school, no matter what Marlene was feeling, no matter what the other girls were going through, Marlene was always the one to stay strong. She was always the one with dry eyes and advice. She was always the one who was comforting them. She never asked to be comforted. She never even showed if she needed it. The other girls very rarely saw Marlene distraught.

To know that she was the cause to make Marlene break was what made her cry again, hugging her back.

"I'm so sorry," Myra cried, practically bawling. "I'm sorry I said that. I'm so so so sorry. I can't even tell you how sorry I am."

"Shut up, will you," Marlene sniffled, "I'm trying not to lose my shit here and you're making it worse." Myra let out a nervous laugh as Marlene pulled back and wiped at her eyes. "God, I spent five minutes doing my eyeliner today." She took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Look, I know that we were going a bit too far. I know that we shouldn't have been following you everywhere. I know that you were on edge ever since you woke up and I- we," She glanced around the room to the others, "We should have given you just a little space. Even though we wanted to make sure you were safe, we shouldn't have just bared down on you like that."

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