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Warning! Contains reference to negative inner thoughts


About an hour later, Myra was sitting downstairs going through her Herbology textbook, watching James and Sirius play chess in the corner of her eye.

'The fangs of the Fanged Geranium are used in a wide variety of Potions. The plant itself is a sentient being. It is easily identifiable by its characteristic fangs and bright green leaves'

"Ah, come on!" Sirius exclaimed, watching his queen as gets destroyed by a knight, leaving his king open to James' bishop and queen.

"Checkmate." James declared happily. Sirius pouted and slumped into his chair.

"I don't know what you did, but you cheated." Myra glanced at the pieces Sirius had remaining. One knight, three pawns, and one rook. James had seven pawns, his queen, one rook, one knight, and both bishops. He started starting to reset his pieces and Sirius did the same. She looked back at her book.

You're using the wrong strategy," Myra said, "You going guns blazing at James' king without thinking of the casualties. You're not thinking tactically. You have to set up you're pieces so you have multiple ready to take out some of James' pieces. As James moves, you should adjust your pieces but at the same time, try and get to the king without losing any of the essential pieces."

"Show me." Myra looked at the duo to see Sirius standing next to his chair, gesturing for Myra to sit. She glanced at him.

"Are you sure? I might lose. I haven't played in a while." Sirius shrugged.

"I already lost seven times to James alone. I don't think anyone can do any worse since he hasn't thought of a way to get Evans to date him and that already set the bar pretty low." James glared at him.

"Hey! I'm working on it! I haven't pranked Snivellus so far this year!"

"But you called him Snivellus," Myra pointed out, "Just don't make any fun of him and you have a better chance."

She bookmarked the page and set it down next to her. Myra tentatively sat in the chair, double-checking that Sirius wasn't joking.

Myra glanced at the pieces. James moved his white pawn two paces front. She moved her own pawn to counter and the game began.

Myra was having fun. It was no secret that James was a beginner. Sirius had never played chess so it was pretty easy for James to beat him.

"AGAIN!" James yelled as Myra moved her third pawn to the last row and promoted it to a queen. It was the third game and James had recruited Sirius to try and help him. James' king was now surrounded by two queens, one bishop.

"Checkmate," She said, interested in how James had lost for the third time in a row even though she repeatedly used the same strategy.

"This is starting to get irritating," Sirius said nonchalantly. Myra stiffened and focused on the board, placing her pieces back in place. His words stung her, she won't sugarcoat it. But she had thought that Sirius had started to like her a bit more. She thought that she was making progress. Turns out she was wrong.

Myra must've made a face because Sirius responded quickly, "No, no, no, no," He said quickly, "I mean this constant ass-whooping. Not your game. You're a really very good player."

Myra nodded, her doubts barely moved.

Just because he said something doesn't mean you have to believe it.

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