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Warning: Contains reference to 'voices in heads' and low self-esteem.


Myra woke up in her bed. She couldn't figure out how she got there. The last thing she remembered was—

I broke down. I did what I didn't want to do. God, I'm so weak.

She hauled herself out of bed. Lily was up and making her bed while Myra heard the sound of running water in their shared bathroom. But Marlene's was empty. Empty and made. Marlene never makes her bed. She looked out the window to see the sun just rising over the trees.

Once Alice was out of the bathroom, Myra quickly got ready, grabbed her bag, and stumbled out of the dormitory. Lily and Alice wanted to come later. She arrived in the Common Room to find it almost packed. Students were streaming out of their dorms and heading down to the Great Hall. All except for one person.

Marlene was crouched by the stairs leading up to the boys' dormitory. She flicked her wand and instantly, there was a muffled 'boom'. Myra watched as Marlene silently giggled. There was a sudden shriek and a stampede of feet.

Four boys emerged from the stairs, completely covered in red paint and gold sparkles. There was a moment of pin-drop silence before everyone erupted in laughter.

"The Marauders are finally pranked!" Someone shrieked. The boys were looking down. All except for James and Sirius. They looked up and smiled, waving to the crowd like they were famous.

"Thank you, thank you!" James said. Sirius smiled and Myra saw that his teeth were stark white against the red of his skin.

"Thank you for following our plan!" Sirius announced. The Common Room quieted down, "We wanted to prank ourselves and see your reactions! They were priceless!" The crowd dispersed quickly after that. The students got their entertainment.

"Your's were too!" Marlene yelled. She stalked forward to the Marauders who had just started to go up the stairs.

"Whatever do you mean?" Sirius asked innocently. Marlene came up to him and punched him across his jaw. Myra thought that this was a good moment to intervene. She hurried forward as Marlene was about land another one on James.

Myra wrapped her arms around Marlene's arms, preventing them from hitting anyone else. She dragged her kicking and screaming away from the Marauders. Sirius stood upright, clutching his jaw.

"You bastards! I don't know what you did to Myra but I am going to find out! How dare you hurt her like that! You're all arseholes! Bastards!" Marlene screamed.

"Marlene, calm down. Please." Myra whispered into Marlene's ear. Sirius and Remus looked worried. Myra was confused about why Remus looked worried, but she had more pressing issues.

Marlene slowly calmed down in Myra's arms. When she was sure Marlene wouldn't go ballistic again, Myra slowly let go of Marlene. She stood eerily calm, observing the paint-covered Marauders.

"You guys should go," Myra said softly. Remus opened his mouth and stepped forward, but in the blink of an eye, Marlene's wand was pressed to his chest.

"Not another step." She snarled. Remus looked taken aback. He glanced at Myra before looking back at Marlene.

"I was with you the entire time!" He protested weakly. Marlene pushed him back.

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