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Warning! Reference to bullying and burns


Myra was now in the fifth year waiting in an empty compartment for Lily, Alice, and Marlene. She had some new scars on her arms and legs and hoped that she had done enough to cover them. She had worn her school robes already and her things were neatly stacked in the rack above. Nixie, her house-elf, had gotten her a book for her birthday but was unable to give it until this morning. It was a muggle book called 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy'. Nixie thought that Myra would like it.

Myra traced the spine of the book. The bumps, the smoothness. She did this with all of her books, just before she read them. It was like reading a person by just glancing at them. She opened the book to the first page and the smell of parchment welcomed her, beckoned her. She started reading.

'Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western spiral arm of the galaxy lies a small, unregarded yellow sun-' The door to the compartment banged open and the Marauders walked in and sat down around her, apparently not noticing her.

"Pads, mate, who do you think could make the quidditch team this year?" James potter asked, sitting across from her and ruffled his hair. Myra knew Lily would never admit it, but she loves it when he does that.

"I don't know. I remember there was this fourth-year last year who looks like a good build for a Beater. Don't know his name." Black replied, sitting next to her. She moved away from him until she could feel the cool metal wall pressing against her side.

"I saw this one girl on the train today. She looked like a sixth year and had the looks of a Chaser." James leaned back into his chair. Myra saw Remus sit next to him and Peter next to Black.

"Will you ever stop talking about quidditch? All you ever talk about is quidditch and girls." Remus stated, pulling out a book from his bag.

"Let's talk about school subjects!" Peter exclaimed. James made a face.

"Before school even started? I don't think so." Sirius shook his head around like a dog, making his long, black hair fly around. Myra scrunched up her nose and tried not to sneeze. She saw Peter's face fall.

"Oh. Okay, that's-"

"My mom let me try some Firewhiskey about a week ago!" James practically shouted and Myra winced.

"Really? That's so cool!"

"Prongs, that's awesome!" A chorus of exclamations and praise from Sirius and Peter arose and Myra rolled her eyes. Before she could stop herself, her mouth was already moving.

"You do know that if you drink fire-whiskey before the age of eighteen, your brain could get seriously damaged and you might get brain cancer."

Everyone turned to look at her. Sirius glared, Peter looked indifferent, James looked mildly amused and Remus looked... Myra couldn't tell how Remus looked. He just looked at her. She would categorize it as surprised, maybe, or intrigued.

"What are you doing here?" Sirius hissed. Myra tore her gaze away from Remus and glanced at Sirius. He looked livid. Myra felt herself go pale.

"Nothing." She mumbled. She hugged her closed book tighter to her chest and looked down.

"Get out of here! This is our compartment." Myra nodded once, gathered her things, and left the compartment in a hurry.

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