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Myra stood in front of the stone gargoyle. It didn't move, pointedly looking away from her. She took another deep breath, the warrant for the search clutched tightly in her hand.

She had bunked Ancient Runes for this, considering the matter of international security more important than Egyptian wizards' hieroglyphics on the inside of the Pyramid of Khufu that dictate how the old wizards had caught and punished The Hyksos (castration, usually).

"Are you coming or not?" The statue asked, its voice short and clipped. Myra nodded.

"Yes." She replied quickly.

"Password?" The statue had seemed almost bored.

"Cockroach clusters." It sighed.

"Finally." The statue moved and revealed the same spiral staircase leading up. She walked up to the same wooden door and knocked.

"Come in," The old voice spoke through the door. Myra slowly walked in and closed the door behind her.

"Miss Lestrange," Myra turned around to find Dumbledore standing in the middle of the room, holding his wand in his hand, dangerously close to his head, "I'm afraid you've found me in a very... compromising situation." He stated, chuckling softly and bringing his wand down.

"What can I do for you?" He asked, walking closer to Myra. She looked down and took a step back. She held out the warrant.

"I-I need to give this to you," She said softly, "It's very important." Dumbledore, giving her a questioning glance, gently took the warrant from her and read it. He looked back at Myra.

"Why does this merit more priority than your studies?" He asked, a faint twinkle in his eye.

"Because," She said, pointing at the first line, "These people are Death Eaters. This wasn't a warrant for a search. Well, maybe Mister Leach thought it was, but, really, he was playing into You-Know-Who's plans. They killed my dad, forcing my mother and I into hiding. They chased us with a bunch of other Death Eaters, killed my mother, and raised me thinking I was a Lestrange."

Dumbledore took off his glasses, "And what can you draw from that?" He asked. Myra could detect a hint of worry in his tone.

"This means that the Ministry has been infiltrated by Death Eaters and no one knows."

Dumbledore sat down in a chair, his eyes shut and his glasses clutched in his hand.

"This is indeed very troubling," He said after a while, "It confirms my theory. I will have to inform some close friends about this."

Myra watched uncomfortably as Dumbledore got up and came a bit closer to her. She took another step back.

"Thank you, Miss Lestrange. Your efforts will not be forgotten." Myra nodded once and turned around. She heard Dumbledore sit behind his desk and write something down.

"Actually, sir," She said, turning back around, "I was wondering if I could do anything else to help."

She wanted to help. She knew that. She knew that that was what she wanted. She also knew she was thinking too far ahead. She wasn't even of age! How could she help in a war with the most powerful dark wizard ever?

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