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Warning! Mention of panic attacks


Myra and Remus walked together back from the greenhouse, talking about the project. Myra was holding the wormwood plant while Remus was jotting down the points that they talked about.

"Okay, so we are going to put the plant in a place where it gets sun during the morning when it is cool but not during the afternoon where it gets really hot. Otherwise, the plant dries up very quickly." Remus said. Myra nodded, shifting the pot a little bit. Remus glanced at her.

"Is it heavy? I can carry it for the rest of the way." Remus offered, putting his things in his bag. Myra shook her head.

"No, it's fi-" Without warning, Remus swept the pot from out of her hands, "Fine." she finished, slightly surprised. Nonetheless, she got her notebook out.

They walked the rest of the way in silence. Not uncomfortable silence. Myra was just enjoying Remus' presence, the feeling of them walking through the halls of Hogwarts. Mind you, the halls are not empty. Herbology was her last class of the day, so students were running from classrooms to their dorms. When they reach the Gryffindor common room, Myra moves to take the plant from Remus.

"Here let me take the wormwood."

"Where would you keep it?" Remus asked.

"In my dorm, there is a window that faces east, so it would get the sun's rays during the morning but not during the afternoon. I can keep it on my bedside table."

"Then let me at least bring it up." Myra let out a small laugh.

"Remus, you can't go up to the girl's dormitory." He flushed.

"Oh. Right." Myra gently took the plant from him.

"See you at dinner, Remus!" She called down. Without waiting for his response, she hurried up the stairs to her dorm.

Just before she opened the door, she heard and few giggles and someone harshly whispering 'shhh!'. Eyebrows furrowed, she pushed open the door to find Marlene sitting on her bed with a wide grin on her face. Myra honestly thought it made her look demented.

"So, how did your talk with Mr. Lupin go?" Marlene innocently asked. Myra closed the door and started slowly moving to her bed.

"Fine," she replied hesitantly and gently placed the wormwood by the window.

"Nothing special happened?" Marlene asked and Myra could hear the smug smile in her voice.


"Nothing at all? Not even a little thing?" Myra turned around.

"Why are you acting so creepy?"

"Because you and Remus finally talked to each other!" Marlene shrieked. Myra winced and sat down on her bed.

"So? It was just for the Herbology project."

"So? So! Myra, that is the man you love! No way you didn't get squeamish!"

"I don't love him. I like him." She mumbled.

"I call bullshit," Marlene stated confidently, arms crossed.

"But I do like him!"

"No, you love him!"

Myra took a deep breath, "You know what? Let's just forget about this. Let's go to dinner. Where are Alice and Lily? We're going to be late."

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