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I'm going to be traveling for about a week and I won't get any data or WiFi there so I won't be able to update.


Myra was starting to get used to working. The library was kind enough to give her the evening shift, so she had time for training and working. Of course, that meant she was drop-dead tired when she got back home. And even though Remus was bound to be just as tired, (if not more, with the full moon approaching), he always made her dinner from the recipe books and always made sure that she ate enough, went to sleep on time, and took care of herself.

It was quite like having a mother in the house. But she didn't mind. It helped take her mind off of what happened. If she was alone, she wouldn't know what she would have done at this point (she had a suspicion).

On Tuesday, James sent her a letter. It was in the night and she was getting ready to sleep when she noticed the Potter owl tapping on her window with a letter tied on its leg. After thanking it and watching it fly away, she looked at the letter.

It's from James.

A part of her hoped that it was from Uncle Monty. She started reading it.

Dear Myra,

How are you and Remus settling in? I hope you're doing alright and eating well. Remus told me that you got a muggle job, working at a library. I'm so proud of you!

I have to get right down to business. Dad's been as normal as he could be, given the situation. The only time he blows up is when I mention your name. I tried talking to my dad about everything but he's so against believing me. He's being so stubborn and he's not even listening to me, demanding that I don't bring you up again. I'm sorry. I can't make him listen. I'll keep trying.

We had Mum's funeral today. I tried to send a letter to invite you but dad caught me. He yelled and tore up the letter. I apparated to your place after dad went to bed and I met with Remus. I told him about mum's funeral and how I wanted to invite you and he said that he'd tell you.

You didn't turn up. I understand why. I just wish that I could've explained things better to my dad, to make him see.

Hope you're doing well now. I've got a date with Lily tomorrow.


Her eyebrows furrowed as she read the letter again and again.

Aunt Euphemia's funeral was today? Why didn't Remus tell me?

"I'm home!" She heard Remus call out, the door closing as she heard him move to the kitchen with the groceries. Myra was starting to feel annoyed (more than she would have thought) as she glanced at the letter. "Are you in the shower?"

"No!" Myra called out, trying to keep her voice sounding normal. "I'm in the bedroom." She saw Remus come in with a smile as he hugged her.

"How are you today?" He asked softly, his mouth in her hair.

"Can I ask you something?" Myra asked, not looking at him. She could tell that Remus felt the change in atmosphere.

"Of course! What's wrong?" He sat on the bed, looking up at her with waiting eyes.

"Did James come over any time in the past few days, asking me to attend Aunt Euphemia's funeral?" Remus stiffened and she knew.

"Yes..." He said slowly. "He did." Myra crossed her arms, the letter still in her hand. The annoyance was turning into something else now and she didn't like it.

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