LX | Epilogue

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Guys, I'm so sorry. I swear, I cried. I hope you can forgive me.

Warning: Mention of death


Early October 1981

Myra was on another mission, but she could tell that this one would be a bit more different. It was a small team, two newer recruits that she hadn't remembered the names of as of yet, Marlene, and her. They were only supposed to go in and do some reconnaissance. Her previous missions had gone so well, so she couldn't understand why she was having and feeling about this one. But, instead of pushing them aside, she vowed to be alert the entire time, to not let her guard fall.

They apparated to the location and ducked behind a building, watching the door of a muggle shop that they were using as a cover. The two recruits (she needed to remember their names) seemed excited at the prospect of going into a Death Eater base.

"I can't wait to storm it!" Myra exchanged a glance and sighed, grabbing the back of the boy's collar.

"We're not storming anything," She began, pulling the boy back into the shade of the building. Marlene nodded.

"We're just going to stay here and watch who goes in, who comes out, and at what times. That's it." She spoke harshly, making sure the words got through to them.

"We're too small a team for a raid," Myra continued. "We can only scout out for the actual raid. It's too dangerous for us to storm in without any backup."

"Then we'll call some!" The girl exclaimed hopefully, jumping. "Just let us raid, please!" Marlene pressed her lips into a thin line, shaking her head.

"No," She stated and Myra saw the other two deflate. "With this attitude, it's unlikely that you would be allowed to raid until you realize your roles in different missions, how to control that excitement of yours." The other two pouted, looking to Myra.

"Please?" The boy begged, putting his hands together, letting them fall limply to his side when Myra also shook her head. She didn't like the bad feeling she got when she saw their crestfallen faces.

"I'm sorry, but no. We have to follow the rules." The girl's face twisted and she glared at Myra.

"It's always about rules with you, isn't it?" She spat out, moving forward. "You never step out of line." Marlene put a hand on the girl's shoulder, pulling her back.

"That's enough," Marlene stated. "You can't talk to her, or us, that way." The girl scoffed, yanking her shoulder from Marlene's grasp. The boy seemed mildly surprised at the girl's outburst but didn't say anything. The girl (conveniently, she now recalled her name as Joy. How ironic) kept her stony glare on Myra.

"Even during all the training, all we heard was how amazing you were, what a good fighter you were. They never mentioned how much of a goody-toes you were. You never want to have an adventure, you never want to disobey the smallest orders."

Myra wanted to talk back, she really did, but she wasn't really sure what she was going to say. She knew that Joy was only saying these words in a fog of anger and annoyance. She was well experienced with saying things she didn't mean. Years ago, she would have taken those words to heart, let them roll over her soul with as much fury as they could muster. Now? Now, she just brushed them away like a pestering fly.

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