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Today was the day, the last day of being partners. Myra carried the wormwood plant while Remus was doing last-minute checks on his essay. The plant was looking very healthy. The leaves were bright and vibrant green and the plant was standing tall and strong. While they walked to the greenhouse, they had a friendly conversation, things like 'How are you today?' or 'What classes do you have next?'.

When they got to the greenhouse, Myra moved to sit at the back when she noticed him moving to the front of the class. Right next to Sirius. Myra felt pale as Remus beckoned her over.

She shook her head frantically, "Why c-can't we sit h-here?" She stuttered, gesturing to her table, her eyes darting to the back of Sirius' head and back to Remus. He looked sideways, towards Sirius.

As the two of them talked, Myra watched other students come in and take their seats. Marlene and Katherine slid into the desk that Myra was standing by.

"What are you doing here?" Marlene whispered to Myra, "Your partner is over there!" She tried to shove Myra towards Remus but Myra stood firm.

"I can't sit next to Sirius!" She whispered back. Marlene nodded curtly and stood up.

"Come on, Katherine!" she announced loudly. The whole class turned and looked at her, "The breeze from the windows in the back is messing up my hair. Let's go to the front!" Marlene walked purposefully to the front and flounced into the seat with Katherine following dejectedly behind her.

Remus looked bewildered as Myra gave him an apologetic smile and slid into the now empty seat. Remus sat next to her. Professor Sprout entered the class.

"Right!" she announced, "When I call out your names, come forward and keep your plant here—" She pointed to the long table by the window. "—and hand over your essays to me. You will get them back by tomorrow and I will announce who will receive the reward." She took out a list and started calling out names. One by one, students placed their plants on the table, gave their essays to the professor, and sat back down at their desks.

"Myra Lestrange and Remus Lupin!" Professor called out. Myra picked up the plant and placed it on the table. She discreetly eyes the other plants. Most of them had wilting stems and brown leaves. Some of the better ones had green and yellow patches but that was it. Myra's (and Remus') plant was, by far, the healthiest.

When she sat back down, she noticed people throwing envious glances at her, some even glaring. Marlene, Lily, and Alice were giving her thumbs up, Alice's partner was glaring at her. Katherine, Marlene's partner, looked indifferent. But when Myra looked at Sirius, her jaw dropped.

He was smiling at her. Smiling! Albeit, it was a small one. A twitch of the lips, if you will. 

But. He. Was. Smiling. 

Myra gave him a forced smile back and turned to the front of the class where the last student gave their essay to the professor.

The rest of the class was normal. They talked about how the Devil's Snare was afraid of the sunlight and how it could strangle a grown human in under thirty seconds.

Myra glanced at Remus. She couldn't ignore the feeling of dèja vu that washed over her. The feeling of being strangled intensified. After the class was over, Myra quickly packed her things up and dashed out of the room with Marlene close behind.

"Myra! Wait up!" Marlene yelled. Myra slowed down and Marlene stood, panting, next to her, "Why-the hell-were you-sprinting?" Marlene took deep gulps of air.

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