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Warning: Strong language and torture is described


Myra learned something new. Just because she knew something doesn't mean that she would necessarily do anything. For example, she knew that she misunderstood the situation on the train, that she thought that something was there when it wasn't, but she never acted on that realization.

She wanted to apologize, God knows she did. But she was just too much of a coward. She didn't know if Remus knew about it, that she messed up. She was afraid that he didn't know about it and would reject her if she did try to apologize. She danced around the idea of telling him or not. It was an endless cycle of yes or no and it annoyed her to no end.

Another thing she noticed is that whenever she entered a room, her eyes would be drawn to Remus if he was there. He would look at her with wide eyes before dashing out. She wouldn't ignore the pang she felt every time. She hoped every time that he would be the one to approach first, to be the one who would make the first move. One of his other friends would always run after him, always shooting an apologetic glance at Myra. It was usually Peter.

The only thing she was looking forward to was her birthday. Wait, no she wasn't. She never liked celebrating her birthday. She thought that it would put unwanted attention on her. Strangers would come up to her, extra happy and gushing, wish her a 'very happy birthday!' in an extra cheerful voice, then immediately walk away like she didn't exist. It got annoying after five years.

Before Hogwarts, her birthday would be a very formal event. She would wake up early, dress up, and eat breakfast at seven o'clock in the morning. The rest of the day was for her parents to arrange and decorate the mansion for the guests arriving at six o'clock in the evening. Myra would stay up late, walking around the party and looking as if she was talking to quests. At least Rodolphus and Rabastan used to help her around and introduce her to the 'major players' as they called it.

Back to the point at hand, she was not looking forward to her birthday.


Remus was being an idiot and he knew that. He knew that he shouldn't keep avoiding Myra and he knew that it was inevitable that he was going to talk to her again. It was like ever since he realized that he messed up, he started seeing Myra more and more often. He started seeing more opportunities to apologize but he never did.

His friends kept trying to get him to at least talk to her, but he always got out of it.

'Myra's in the library! You should talk to her.'

'I can't. I just remembered that McGonagall wanted to talk to me.'

'Moony! She's by the Great Hall! Now's your chance!'

'I forgot that I had homework.'

'Remus, she in the Common Room! By the fire!'

'I'm feeling a bit sick. The full moon's coming up.'

Every time she walked in, he knew it. The week following up to the full moon, he could smell her scent. It might've been a bit weird for someone to know how another smelled, but his senses always went in overdrive and he subconsciously looking for her, her scent being soothing to him.

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