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There's a major time skip so be prepared fuckers hehehe



Myra's last year at Hogwarts was something she would remember for the rest of her life. Her Charms NEWTs passed without a hitch. When she got her score over the summer, she was beyond ecstatic when she got an 'O'. James and Sirius had both started jumping and they all ended up jumping and squealing, hugging each other as tight as they could.

The second she could, she sent a letter to all of her friends. As expected, she got a Howler from each of them (which momentarily frightened her), all expressing their happiness. Marlene's even started out with a three-minute-long scream that made Myra cover her ears. Both James and Aunt Euphemia ran into her room with Sirius close behind, holding a pan up like a sword.

"WHO'S DEAD, DYING, OR GOT A NEW ALBUM?!" He shrieked, swinging the pan so hard that he knocked over her lamp. Myra had gestured to the Howler that had started to ramble off Marlene's letter exactly like how she would have done if she had been there.

"Marlene's Howler!" Myra yelled over the noise.

But, despite the ruckus the letter caused, Myra felt giddy again, listening to it. All of her friends were happy, gushing about how their best friend was the best Charmer Hogwarts had ever seen.

Remus had taken it a step further. The evening that she sent him the letter, he surprised everyone by Flooing into their house with his arms wide open. He ran at Myra and hugged her, spinning her around.

"I'm so proud of you!" He exclaimed, dragging out the 'you' as he spun. She giggled as she felt his light kisses peppering her head.

"Thank you," She replied, her voice muffled by Remus' shoulder.

Yes, she had also grown. She was happy now that she was just a little bit taller than Alice. She no longer carried the title of the shortest person.

In the summer of her sixth year, Remus invited her to stay at his place for the first two weeks.

"My parents are so excited to meet you. If you say yes, that is." She smiled and nodded, bouncing on her heels.

"I want to meet them."

The day they left, Myra had neatly packed her things in her trunk. By doing it manually, she was able to spend some time on the task. She didn't want to stress herself out by overthinking the event. Even after packing, her friends kept her distracted, talking about what they were going to do over the holidays. Alice was going to visit Frank before he started his job at the Ministry (Myra wasn't really sure what he was going to do. Alice didn't either, but based on what Alice had told her, she had a feeling that he wasn't working at the Ministry, per se. She had a feeling that he was working closely with Dumbledore in a specific wizard group).

Marlene was planning on going to Japan with her parents. She was excited to take pictures of the buildings and maybe even see the magic school there.

"The magic school apparently integrated old Japanese architecture and they modified it to be able to bind with magic, whatever that means."

Lily was going back home. She wasn't really interested in traveling much.

"I haven't seen my parents for so long and I just want to spend some time with them. Maybe even my sister would be happy."

The day they left on the train, they all crammed themselves into the Marauders compartment. Since the compartments were only meant to hold five to six people, eight people inside made things a little bit more cramped. But Myra wouldn't trade those moments. They played all the games they could in the little space they had, gorged themselves on snacks that the trolley witch had given them. They talked about how they wanted their last year to go, what they hoped to do after.

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