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Myra liked routines. She liked having a specific schedule of where to be at what time. She liked knowing that always had a place to be. She liked knowing that some days were in her control. She liked knowing that it would only take a large disturbance to make her go off on her routine.

Myra always stuck to her routine.

Once she came to the Potter mansion for the holidays, she fell into a routine. Every morning, she would wake up and quickly dress up. She would run downstairs, wolf down breakfast, and run out the door with her art bag. She had started going to the art college Marlene and Alice had gotten her admission to. She still wasn't sure how they did it, but she had a sneaking suspicion that they were the cause of her few missing artworks.

James and Sirius often walked her to and from the college. They would always try to get Myra to show them what she had done in class but she refused. To her, her drawings and paintings were always personal. Unless they were specifically made for someone, she wouldn't easily show them. Myra hadn't even shown Lily, Alice, and Marlene many artworks.

Myra, even after the past few weeks, could still vividly remember the first day of 'college'.


"Aunt Euphemia!" Myra called out, slinging the bag that contained her art supplies over her shoulder. "I'm going to class. I'll be back around five or so."

"Okay, but take James and Sirius with you. I don't want you getting lost."

"And you're sending them?" After Aunt Euphemia let out a light chuckle, she called for James and Sirius. Together, the trio walked out of the Potter mansion. Well, Myra walked. James had skipped as if he was Little Red Riding Hood and Sirius had sashayed out with his hands on his hips. Never a dull moment.

They had walked down the streets, Myra occasionally checking the map to make sure that they were going the right way. James and Sirius were making jokes about what she was going to do in class. While they had entertained her at first, after a few minutes, they had gotten simply annoying.

"Hey, Pads. Guess what?"


"You know how Myra's full name is technically Myra Potter?"

"Yeah? What about it?"

"Myra Potter is going to become a professional potter."

She had to endure that for the next ten minutes until they had reached the gates of the college. Myra had seen other students going in, but not many. Most of them appeared to be older than her but she could see a few who were around her age. Maybe.

As Myra had walked up to the entrance of the school, she could hear Sirius and James yelling at her from the gate.

"Be safe!" Sirius had called out.

"We'll come back at five so wait here if you don't see us!" James yelled.

"Don't leave without us!"

They sound like new parents letting their child off to school for the first time. Myra smiled and waved nonetheless before walking through the doorway.

It had taken her some time, but she found that class she was supposed to be in about ten minutes before the class started. She had paled before she even stepped into the class. Everyone, everyone, in her class was older than her, easily by at least two to three years. They were already sitting at desks, chatting to the others like they had known each other for ages.

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