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I swear, all the guys in the comments share a single braincell, you guys make me whEEZE. On that note, we have reached 500 votes, which is, like, at least five more than three hundred.


"Myra, come quick."

"What happened?"

"Dumbeldore's asked us all to meet him in his office."

"Now? It's the middle of the night!"

"I don't know, just hurry up and get dressed."



Myra stood with James as they waited for Sirius to get dressed. Rolling his eyes, James' pounded on the bathroom door.

"Padfoot! Hurry up! We only have a small window where they'll let us apparate inside."

"I know, I know!" Sirius' voice came out muffled. "I'm just—" There was a rustle and a thud as he opened the door, "—getting my wand." Huffing, James stepped back, and the trio went out to the front of the Potter mansion. Standing in a circle, they all exchanged glances before Myra took a deep breath.

"3," She started.

"2," James said, peeking at the other two.



"You are all here on time. Splendid."

Dumbledore was patiently sitting in his chair, sipping from a goblet. Looking around, Myra saw James and Sirius, along with Lily, Marlene, Alice, and Remus. Once Alice had stopped looking green, Dumbledore stood up, turning to Sirius, James, and Myra.

"Do you remember what I said approximately a year ago when you brought me that recording?" He asked lightly, peering at them through his half-moon spectacles.

"No?" Sirius said before James nudged him with his elbow. "Oh, right!" Dumbledore nodded.

"What?" Lily asked.

"Well, the time is now ripe. I will introduce you to the other members of the Order."

Myra was feeling intimidated, standing in front of a bunch of grown wizards who can rival an Auror's skill ability and will not hesitate to break the law for something right. They stood tall, and she could feel their power. Standing in a line in front of Dumbledore's desk, Dumbledore started to introduce them.

She remembered all of their names.

Edgar Bones, related to the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, which puts him close to the Ministry. He was taking a big risk coming here.

Caradoc Dearborn, a man who left his family behind in Norway so that he could fight for their cause. someone who gave her the impression that he shouldn't be fighting in a war. He reminded her of a small baker, sitting in his shop, checking on a few pieces of bread baking in the wood-fired oven.

Benjy Fenwick, Dumbledore didn't really elaborate much on Fenwick, and Fenwick didn't care to talk about himself. He just kept his beady eyes on them, scanning over them.

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